Expat employees

Approximately three in 10 (28%) expatriate employees have found that wage levels have a positive impact on their wellbeing, according to research by global healthcare provider Aetna International.

The international workforce wellbeing survey 2019, which canvassed the views of 2,000 expat employees across 10 countries, further found that 21% believe that corporate culture negatively affects their wellbeing, while 13% stated that working practices can have a detrimental impact. Only 3% of respondents stated that corporate culture had improved their overall wellbeing.

Around one-fifth (20%) of respondents noted that they have found there to be a positive attitude in their new home country around flexible working, while approximately 18% believe there is a supportive culture around achieving work-life balance. However, 23% think that equality is viewed negatively.

More than two-thirds (69%) of expat employees have private health insurance through work or as part of a family member’s plan; only 21% pay for their own individual plan. A further 21% of expats have travelled outside of their host country for healthcare treatment.

Richard di Benedetto, president of Aetna International, said: "We firmly believe that healthy, happy employees, with healthy, happy families, are critical to the success of any overseas assignment."