All Private medical insurance articles

  • Zurich UK offers 4,500 employee free antibody test

    Zurich UK offers 4,500 employee free Covid-19 antibody test


    Insurance organisation Zurich is offering all of its 4,500 UK employees a free antibody test, after a recent survey of its employees found that 95% of staff would like to to be tested.As well as in the UK, the test which was piloted in Switzerland, is being rolled-out in all ...

  • 700x450-10
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    Arcadis safeguards employee wellness with Gympass partnership


    Arcadis, the leading global design and consultancy organisation for natural and built assets, has taken steps to safeguard wellness within its workforce by partnering with Gympass, the world’s largest corporate wellness platform.The agreement gives the 3,800-strong Arcadis workforce in UK and Ireland immediate access to the Gympass platform comprising a ...

  • Participate in exclusive healthcare benefits research for a chance to enter prize draw

    How is Coronavirus impacting health and wellbeing strategies?


    Has the Covid-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic changed the way your business offer healthcare and wellbeing benefits? What is your strategy to reduce workplace absence?Employee Benefits readers now have the opportunity to have their say by participating in the exclusive Employee Benefits Healthcare Research 2020, this survey has been designed to benchmark ...

  • 700x450-7
    Supplier article

    Busy Bees Benefits: How to Manage Your Teams to Avoid Employee Burnout


    Over the last four months, we have faced new health and well-being challenges because of the stress and anxiety that have been caused by the corona virus and lock down. The increased emotional stress has arisen for a range of reasons, which include: Difficulties in balancing work and home lifeFinancial ...

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    Supplier article

    Employee voice: what is it and why is it so important?


    All employees like to feel they have a voice in their workplace, but would yours agree that they are actually being listened to? Do they have the chance to freely voice their thoughts, opinions and reservations, without worrying about the personal or professional outcomes? If your workforce is to truly ...

  • 700x450-6
    Supplier article

    Busy Bees Benefits: Adapting Your 2020 Business Strategy


    Over the last decade, employee expectations have changed dramatically. This is especially significant as we ease out of the government’s lock down following the corona virus pandemic.It’s becoming increasingly clear that although salary remains important, offering a competitive and flexible employee benefits package works to attract and retain employees. By ...

  • 700x450-5
    Supplier article

    Eight Foods to Fight Tiredness


    We all get that slump that you just can’t shake where tiredness takes over. Sometimes we haven't eaten enough, sometimes we've eaten too much! Either way, food plays a key part in our energy levels. To help you ward off tiredness, we've searched for the best foods to make you ...

  • Four Seasons Health Care provides full sick pay for 15,000 care workers

    Four Seasons Health Care provides full sick pay for 15,000 care workers


    Four Seasons Health Care (FSHC) will pay 15,000 care workers full pay if they have to self-isolate due to the Covid-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic.Employees working at any of its 185 facilities, who have been self-isolating or have contracted the virus since April 2020, will also have their pay backdated.Since the beginning ...

  • 700x450-3
    Supplier article

    Gympass adds personal training to suite of employee wellness services


    Gympass, the UK’s leading corporate fitness platform, has expanded its UK offering for employees by adding Personal Training to its suite of services.Employers who partner with Gympass can now offer their employees up to eight online Personal Training sessions a month as part of their membership. The inclusion of Personal ...

  • Fujitsu introduced permanent remote working policy for 80,000 employees

    Fujitsu introduces permanent remote working policy for 80,000 employees


    Japanese technology organisation Fujitsu has introduced a permanent remote working initiative for its 80,000 Japan-based employees, effective immediately.The Work Life Shift benefit will allow employees to adjust their working pattern to create a work-life balance that suits their individual needs.By regularly communicating with employees and by using its Workplace Innovation ...

  • Romero Insurance Brokers priorities wellbeing for employees returning to the office
    Case Studies

    Romero Insurance Brokers supports employees on their return to the office


    Insurer Romero Insurance Brokers has introduced steps for its 180 employees to return to its Leeds office, and ensure that their safety and wellbeing are supported.Romero’s risk management team announced that the situation was safe enough for employees to return to work starting from 15 June 2020.The organisation has created ...

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    How are employers preparing for employees' return to work?


    Need to know: An effective communications line between the employer and employee is needed to ensure a smooth transition back into the workplace.Employers can offer benefits to support employee health and wellbeing on their return.Employee feedback can help the workforce adapt smoothly to the transitions resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic.As ...

  • 31% of employers don't offer support for staff on long-term sick leave

    31% of employers do not offer support for staff on long-term sick leave


    A third of employers (31%) do not make early?interventions to support staff returning to work if they are on long-term sick leave due to ill health, disability or injury, according to research by Group Risk Development.Research carried out among 500 employers, published July 2020, also found that an additional 32% ...

  • PMI
    Supplier article

    Busy Bees Benefits: Misconceptions about Private Medical Insurance


    Would your business suffer if one of your key staff fell seriously ill? Could your business afford to wait whilst your employee waits for treatment on the NHS?Your employees are the most important assets your business has. Looking after their health is crucial to the health of your business too. ...

  • 700x450-2
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    Why cultural fitness is key to improving company culture


    With so many competing priorities on leaders’ to-do lists every day, it’s tempting to leave culture on the back burner while we focus our attention on more immediate or urgent tasks. But if you’re thinking, 'she’ll be alright,' know this: Nothing tests company culture more than crisis, uncertainty or change ...

  • Gympass-Team-Office-Shot-1
    Supplier article

    Gympass commits to racial equality by signing the Race at Work Charter


    Gympass has signed up to the Race at Work Charter, an initiative designed to improve outcomes for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) employees in the UK. Spearheaded by Business in the Community (BITC) in partnership with the government, The Business in the Community Race Equality Campaign has three key ...

  • Participate in healthcare benefit research for the chance to win prize draw

    Participate in exclusive healthcare benefits research for the chance to win prize draw


    What effect has the Covid-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic had on your organisation’s focus on employee health and wellbeing? How can you track your most successful healthcare and benefits strategies?Readers at Employee Benefits have the chance to participate in the exclusive Employee Benefits Healthcare Research 2020, which has been created to understand ...

  • Melanie-Astbury-1

    Melanie Astbury: How have employers supported their staff during the pandemic?


    The pandemic transformed our entire operation almost instantly. Within a few short days, our in-house team was working entirely from home and our warehouse team was adapting operational output.Our key concerns during this time were to safeguard the livelihoods of our teams; ensure our business remained operational and maintain the ...

  • Jen-Faichney

    Jen Faichney: How have employers supported their staff during the pandemic?


    Covid-19 has thrown all sorts of challenges at HR departments. From the practicalities of helping people adapt to home working, where this is feasible, to distilling government and agency health advice; all at a time when individuals and their families have been facing considerable worries and stresses about the future.For ...

  • Natasha-Hill

    Natasha Hill: How have employers supported their staff during the pandemic?


    The term staff welfare has never meant so much. The last three months have challenged business leaders to think creatively about how to support their teams across a number of different dimensions. At Bottle, we have categorised our support in terms of emotional, mental, practical and, because culture is important ...