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The average UK commuting time is 54 minutes, while the average for London is 74 minutes. Whether you commute through a busy city or through more rural areas, the work commute will almost always find a way to stress you out. The last thing anyone needs on a cold, rainy, typically British Monday morning is a 74 minute-long commute through one of the world’s busiest cities.

Here are a few ways to make your commute to work less stressful!

Podcasts/audiobooksThis is without doubt the era of podcasts and audiobooks. According to Ofcom, 5.9 million of us in the UK listen to podcasts each week. While 49% of our podcast listening is done at home according to Podcast Insights, 22% of listening is done in the car.

Whether you’re in the car, on public transport or walking to work, podcasts and audiobooks will make your commute fly by.

It’s a great way to save time too. Chances are there’s a book you’ve got your eye on, but you can’t find time to read it. Or there’s a language you want to learn, but you just simply can’t fit it in to your busy week.

On Apple podcasts, there are over 500,000 different podcasts, so there’s definitely something out there for you. Whether it’s educational or entertaining, podcasts are a great way to make your work commute go faster.

Prepare as much the night before as possibleWe’ve absolutely all been there haven’t we? You’re rushing round at 8.17am, desperately trying to find your car keys, and that little Google Maps notification pops up on your phone giving you that handy little reminder that traffic is ‘heavier than usual today’ and that your already lengthy commute is going to take even longer.

We all know in that situation what we really should have done. We probably should have got up 15 minutes earlier. Or put our keys somewhere more obvious instead of leaving them in our coat pocket.

If ever there was a reason for preparing the night before, it’s reducing the stress of your commute by saving time and setting off earlier in the morning.

Before you go to bed, make sure absolutely everything is ready for the next day. Pack your bag that you need and prepare any food the night before if possible. Put those pesky keys where you can remember them. Make sure that once your morning routine is done, you’re ready to go. When you’re late, everything becomes 10 times more stressful.

Allow yourself to set off on time or even 10 minutes earlier by preparing everything you need for work the night before.

If you walk or even drive, invest in a bike?If you’ve never cycled to work before you’re probably thinking “why on earth would I do that?” Cycling to work is actually great for reducing stress, here’s why.

We all know how good exercise can be for us, both physically and mentally.

Furthermore, if you currently walk to work it’ll reduce your commuting time.

But what if you don’t cycle? Won’t it be too much physical work? Get an e-bike! Try one out for free at one of many cycle shops throughout the UK. They take the physical work out of cycling and absolutely anyone can use them.

But what about the cost? Get one through a bike to work scheme. Not only can you spread the cost of your bike, but you can reduce the cost too and on accessories as well.

If you take public transport, try commuting loans to spread the costTaking public transport to work can be stressful for a number of reasons. The cost, however, is one that stands out. A season ticket for travelling by train is set to rise past £3,000 for many. An annual bus and tram pass for commuters in London can cost almost £900. Parking is also expensive, and the cost all adds up.

Having these costs all come out at once isn’t ideal for anyone. Nor is spreading the cost with added interest.

The commuting loan employee benefit allows employees at a company to save and spread the cost of their public transport commuting cost. Whether you commute by rail, tram or bus or you need help cutting the cost of parking, the commuting loan is perfect and will help cut out the stress of a costly commute.

Make your commute more socialCarpooling rather than commuting in to work alone has been shown to reduce stress and make your commute much more enjoyable.

If you aren’t sure who to commute with and you travel in by car, try Liftshare which allows you to see who within your company is located near you and is open to carpooling.

Doing this will not only make your commute more social, you’ll save on fuel and reduce emissions too.

So, if you’re looking to make your drive in to work less stressful, or you simply need someone to vent about the traffic to, then Liftshare is the one.

Hopefully these will help when it comes to cutting cost, time or making your commute more enjoyable! Sometimes, you need a little help from your employer too and commuting schemes can often make a big difference!