Cadent offers company car scheme to its employees

UK gas network Cadent has reported a mean ethnicity pay gap of 3.15% for 2022, down from 4.47% in 2021. This was the first year the business reported its ethnicity gap data publicly.

The employer, which has more than 6,000 members of staff, saw its median ethnicity pay gap narrow from 9.11% in 2021 to 4.68% in 2022.

Cadent’s mean ethnicity bonus gap for 2022 was 9.6%, down from 19.72% in 2021, and its median gap was 17.99%, down from 29.53%. A total of 89.63% of white and 81.01% of ethnic minority employees were paid a bonus in 2022, up from 79.72% and 66.53% the prior year.

According to the business, it released its ethnicity pay gap data in order to drive a more inclusive and diverse workforce through increased transparency.

Cadent's 2022 mean gender pay gap was 9.51%, down from 13.19% in 2021, and its median was 19.44%, down from 24.27%. Its mean gender bonus gap was 34.79%, down slightly from 35.38% and its median was 54.34, falling from 57.55%. A total of 89.01% of men and 80.11% of women received a bonus last year, up from 76.62% and 55.6% the prior year respectively.

Ranjit Blythe, chief of staff at Cadent, said: “I’m proud of the work we’ve done over the past year, continuing to make an impact by prioritising what matters to our people and identifying opportunities to accelerate our progress. As Cadent’s equality, diversity and inclusion executive sponsor, I welcome our proactive commitment to reporting ethnicity pay gap data annually and believe it will help tackle long-standing challenges that transcend our industry.”

“We know there is more work to be done to further reduce the gaps and will continue to work hard to build an inclusive workplace. From a gender perspective and from reviewing the data, we are aware that most of our female staff are office based and in conjunction with our active Women in Cadent community group, have several important initiatives in place to encourage more women into our field force.”