Are recognition schemes appropriate during times of crisis

Close to three-quarters (72%) of employees said their workplace wellbeing would improve if they were thanked and recognised more frequently for their hard work, according to research by Reward Gateway.

The 2023 employee engagement trends report spoke to 1,015 employees and 250 HR managers in the UK. It found that 32% rated the physical wellbeing support received from their employer as good or excellent, with 39% and 28% saying the same about the mental and financial assistance they received, respectively. The majority of employers believed they were excelling in these areas.

Two in five employees said they frequently experienced burnout, more than half frequently experienced stress at work, and 24% were no longer going above and beyond at work. The majority (93%) said that feeling listened to by leadership was important to their wellbeing at work, with 64% saying having a manager who cares was key, and 74% believing that fair pay was a must have.

Almost half of respondents said that they frequently experienced being overwhelmed, driven by the current war for talent, constant adjustments to life post-pandemic, and inflationary pressures, while 72% admitted to feeling a lasting negative effect from the events of the past few years.

Rob Boland, chief operating officer at Reward Gateway, said: “The findings from the report confirm that a subtle societal evolution has taken place where physical, mental and financial wellbeing in the workplace is now expected at the core of every business’ HR strategy.

“Our new research further suggests that employers and employees need to be connected on all fronts now more than ever, with 93% of UK employees saying that feeling heard is an important contributor to their wellbeing at work. Clearly defining the support available to all employees and ensuring that employees feel recognised and valued in the workplace is key for both financial and career wellbeing.”