Mental Health

Two in five (43%) of the male workforce admitted that they want more mental health in the workplace support from their employers, according to new research by Bupa.

Healthcare provider Bupa surveyed 8,000 UK adults for its latest Bupa wellbeing index.

It found that 50% of male respondents admitted to having mental health challenges or have done so in the past, with unhappiness in their job (20%), lack of self-confidence (27%), and traumatic life events (25%), among the top factors impacting their mental health. Three in 10 (30%) said they do not know where to turn for advice on their mental health.

Two-thirds (65%) of employees agreed that there is a stigma surrounding men’s mental health issues, with a 10th of those who agree thinking the stigma has become worse in recent years.

Less than half of men who have struggled with their mental health have sought medical advice, and less than one in three confided in their partner (30%), family (26%) or friends (24%). More than a third (37%) admitted to actively hiding mental health issues from their partners at home.

Dr Naveen Puri, medical director at Bupa UK, said: “It’s important we encourage and support men to be more open about their mental wellbeing and to seek the support they need. There are signs that someone might be struggling with their mental health, such as feeling low, being more worried than usual and having trouble sleeping. But men might also display other signs such as being irritable, being aggressive, having sudden bursts of anger, losing control or taking more risks. If employers recognise any of these signs, it might be a good idea to reach out to employees and offer help and support.”

Carlos Jaureguizar, chief executive officer for Bupa Global, India and UK, added: “For men, confidential support can make a huge difference. Where they may struggle to speak to their loved ones about their health through fear of failure or weakness, anonymised support and a safe place to speak openly can break the barrier of outdated male stereotypes. It’s essential that businesses support normalising conversations about mental health and provide access to confidential services, to retain valuable talent in their workforce.”