EXCLUSIVE: 27% of staff working remotely considering their career due to lack of employer support

Over a quarter (27%) of employees who are working from home during the Covid-19 (Coronavirus) are reconsidering their career options due how their organisation has dealt with the pandemic, according to research by Canada Life.

The survey of 624 working adults in the UK, published 28 September 2020, also found that over a quarter (26%) of respondents would prefer to work flexible working hours, while 15% would prefer their organisation to provide better mental health support.

Furthermore, just under two in five (17%) would want better home office setups when working remotely, with 13% of respondents wanting their employee to upgrade their WiFi connection so they can work from home more efficiently.

Additionally, just over one-fifth (21%) of staff who have returned to an office environment, wish they had received more guidance on how to stay protected in the office, with an additional 21% thinking flexible working would make the return to work much easier. Paul Avis, group insurance marketing director at Canada Life, said: “This year has presented huge challenges for employers; for most, the change to business and service delivery has been massive. The logistics of moving staff to home working environments; managing the emotional, physical and social challenges of running a business during lockdown; the application for grants; and the implementation of the furlough scheme all started a process which is still ongoing.“Next, comes the ending of the furlough scheme, possible redundancies and restructuring, and the process of getting staff back into the workplace safely. For most, it’s been a case of learning on the job, but our research shows that organisations that have put the needs of their staff first, been flexible, and listened and acted for the benefit of their people, are most likely to have come out on top.”