Strategies for Boosting Workforce Engagement Header

Navigating the challenges of boosting workforce engagement can be daunting for HR and people managers, but the benefits to the organisation are well worth the effort. At Penfold, we've wrestled with these issues ourselves and have distilled some effective strategies for you. Let's delve into how you can enhance engagement in your workforce, ensuring that all your employees feel appreciated and are motivated to perform at their bestUnderstanding workforce engagement

Before going any further, it's vital to comprehend what workforce engagement is all about. In essence, it is about cultivating an organisational culture where employees are invested in their roles and derive satisfaction from their daily tasks.

The level of workforce engagement can be gauged through various means, such as traditional surveys or more interactive methods like focus groups. Regular assessment of engagement levels is crucial to discover innovative and impactful strategies for enhancing workforce engagement.

The importance of workforce engagement for HR departments

By focusing on enhancing workforce engagement, the organisation can reap numerous benefits. Employees who are engaged in their roles tend to be happier, which can translate into increased productivity. Moreover, organisations with an engaged workforce may witness a decrease in employee turnover, leading to a reduction in costs and resources spent on hiring. For businesses, it is essential to keep productive employees engaged while helping those who are less efficient to become more eager to contribute to the organization's growth.

Six strategies for boosting workforce engagement

Enhancing workforce engagement isn't just about selecting the most enticing employee benefits package. Instead, HR departments should aim to foster a culture that emphasises well-being and appreciation across all teams.

1. Foster open communication

Effective HR departments facilitate transparent and trusted communication between staff and leaders. This approach not only helps address small grievances that might prompt skilled employees to leave, but it also aids in identifying straightforward measures to boost workforce engagement. An employee voice mechanism that encourages two-way communication can prove highly beneficial for businesses.

2. Choose an engaging pension plan

Traditional "fun" perks no longer hold the same appeal for employees. Given the current financial landscape, employees prioritise financial stability over frivolous benefits.

Consequently, introducing engaging workplace pension schemes that employees can easily access is increasing in importance. Employers who prioritise their workplace pension show their workforce that they value them and ensure compliance with auto-enrolment regulations.

Penfold’s workplace pension helps businesses engage, attract and retain the best talent – helping to safeguard company growth and save money.

3. Promote flexibility

Recent years have seen many employees reassess their work-life balance and productivity levels under different working conditions. By being flexible and accommodating employee's unique needs and circumstances, HR departments can effectively enhance workforce engagement.

4. Invest in employee development

One primary reason skilled employees leave a company is perceived roadblocks in their career growth or lack of opportunities. Employers who provide impactful Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programs enable employees to advance and develop, benefiting both the individual and the organization.

5. Advocate for employee well-being

There's increasing recognition of mental health and well-being in the workplace. It's essential for leaders to regularly check on their teams and ensure workloads are manageable to prevent burnout. Research from Cardiff University indicates that employees working at high-stress levels consistently have lower well-being.

6. Reward and recognise achievements

Recognizing and rewarding diligent employees can significantly boost workforce engagement. For teams with variable engagement levels, performance-based incentives might be an effective approach.

Research by SHRM suggests that performance-based rewards can enhance retention of high-performing employees while encouraging less effective ones to leave. For growth-oriented businesses, this strategy can enhance team quality, boost engagement, and generate a more capable group of key personnel contributing to business success.

Enhancing workforce engagement - a better approach

Workforce engagement remains critical for businesses in terms of employee retention and growth. However, the priorities of employees have drastically shifted. No longer are quirky office amenities such as bean bags or table football enticing.

Today's skilled workforce values their well-being, career development, and financial stability, seeking benefits like bonuses and retirement plans.

Discover more about Penfold’s workplace pension scheme which helps businesses align with their team's needs and promotes engagement. Book a demo