Claudia Osei Nsafoah Sky press office

At its heart, International Women’s Day (8 March 2023) is a moment to recognise and celebrate the contributions of women, and renew calls for greater gender equity, with employees wanting their workplaces to recognise women in a meaningful way.

The businesses that enact change are the ones that build International Women’s Day into a long-term commitment to gender equity that leverages the ideas and experiences of their employee networks, and whose female employees can see the tangible impacts of that approach.

Spearheaded by our employee network, Women@Sky, we see International Women’s Day as an opportunity to cut through business-as-usual and engage with our people when they’re most open, and expecting, to listen. It’s a chance to spotlight the work being done across the business, so that employees understand why it remains important and relevant.

Our network connects employees year-round to educate, elevate, and celebrate Sky women; from an executive sponsor playing an active role in creating a direct channel to senior leadership, to championing male allies across the company.

This International Women’s Day, we are hosting a keynote event focusing on why allyship is important to embracing equity at work and in our personal lives. It’s one example of how the activity ladders up to the network’s objectives, as well as Sky’s overall commitment to increasing female representation across business areas and in senior leadership roles.

By building International Women’s Day into this wider conversation, we can continue to create a culture that always champions female employees. Don’t wait for it to recognise women: instead, use it to inspire people to do so every single day.

Claudia Osei-Nsafoah is people director, UK and Ireland, at Sky

Read more:

Leslie Pendergrast: How do you use International Women’s Day to increase recognition of female employees?

Clare Stephens: How do you use International Women’s Day to increase recognition of female employees?

Grace Anderson: How do you use International Women’s Day to increase recognition of female employees?