Newcastle for Intermediaries

Newcastle for Intermediaries, the mortgages arm of Newcastle Building Society, has signed the mortgage industry mental health charter as part of its commitment and strategic approach to mental health and wellbeing.

The charter was established to support UK firms operating within the mortgage sector in response to a worsening mental health situation within the industry. It aims to offer guidance through a straightforward framework to help employers develop and customise services that best cater to their employees’ mental health needs.

As a signatory of the charter, Newcastle for Intermediaries has voluntarily agreed to abide by six governing rules that have been designed to ensure best practice when dealing with the health and wellbeing of its workforce.

These include developing mental health awareness among employees using activities and advocacy, encouraging open conversations about mental health and the support available to those who may be struggling, and providing staff with good working conditions that encourage a healthy work-life balance and opportunities for development.

Other rules include promoting effective people management through line managers and ensuring there is a focus on physical and mental wellbeing as well as performance, routinely monitoring employee mental health and wellbeing through surveys and regular contact with managers, and having a named contact for mental health support.

Franco Di Pietro, head of intermediary mortgages at Newcastle Building Society, said: “We’re committed to being a great place to work and helping our communities make positive changes through a wide range of initiatives, and by fostering a culture of positive mental health. As part of our commitment to our intermediary partners and in addition to the several steps our society has taken to support the mental health and wellbeing of its members and colleagues we’re proud to become signatories to the mortgage industry mental health charter.”