Manchester University NHS Trust

Employees at Manchester University NHS Trust have completed 25,000 positive actions since the launch of its incentivised wellbeing and sustainability programme, Green Rewards, six months ago.

The organisation, which employs 20,000 staff, launched the initiative, provided by Jump, in May 2019. As at November, it has recorded that 30,000kg of CO2 has been saved, eight years-worth of meat-free days have been taken and enough electricity has been saved to power 1,755 homes for a day.

Employees have made this progress via activities within the categories of: grow your own, get involved with a sustainability project, active commute, carbon calculator and eat local.

Sustainable behaviours that have been encouraged over the past six months include recycling, using less plastic, switching off electrical equipment and running paperless meetings. Wellbeing-related activities included active commutes, attending health and wellbeing training sessions, taking part in step challenges, volunteering and sharing healthy recipes.

Employees have been able to take part through an online programme, earning points for taking part in relevant activities. The site shows online leaderboards and a real-time impact dashboard which communicates individual and team successes, as well as carbon and energy savings.

Each month, the top eight individuals on the leaderboard win a £20 voucher, and two vouchers are given away through a raffle to anyone who has participated. At the end of the year, the organisation plans to make a £1,000 charitable donation in the name of the top-performing team.

Claire Igoe, head of environmental sustainability at Manchester University NHS Trust, said: “It’s fantastic that our workforce has already achieved 25,000 positive actions. The Green Rewards programme is the perfect opportunity to empower our staff to make a positive difference.”