What Do Employees Want from Their Workplace Benefit Schemes?

When it comes to choosing an employee benefits package, meeting the needs of your entire workforce can seem like a daunting task. On one hand, you’ll want to implement benefits that improve recruitment efforts, whereas on the other hand you’ll need to implement schemes that reward and engage your current employees. By meeting the needs of your workforce with employee benefits, you can increase engagement and motivation across the board. However, it’s important to ensure you communicate effectively with your employees to ascertain what kind of schemes they may be interested in, in order to improve uptake and boost employee satisfaction.

According to CareerBuilder, 72% of employees said having more work benefits would increase job satisfaction. This means that by having employee benefits in the first place you’re one step ahead – but you’ll need to tailor this to the needs of your workforce. For example, the 2018 Global Talent Trends study found that 51% of employees wished their company offered more flexible working options.

By using a well-rounded and customization employee benefits platform, your workforce can have access to a wider range of benefits that are tailored to them.

Learn more about providing tailored employee benefits to your workforce.