
Simplyhealth, which employs 1,400 people, uses its reward site, My Reward, to strengthen its employee pay, bonus and benefits offering and provide a go-to place where employees can find out anything they want to know about their total reward package.

With its employee engagement relative to benefits on the increase, the organisation wanted to evolve its total reward site to become an area that employees interact with on a regular basis.

Therefore it relaunched My Reward, in partnership with Thomsons Online Benefits, to include a My pension e-community, in partnership with Aviva bringing pensions information together in one place.

Louise Wells, reward and benefits manager, says: “Before the upgrade, we primarily used My Reward to enable employees to manage their benefits such as buying and selling holiday and purchasing childcare vouchers. We offer benefits on a flexible and voluntary basis and are working towards evolving it so we can use it to provide a full flexible benefits offering.”

My Reward also allows employees to view each element of their total reward package as a percentage and the actual employer and employee cost.

Wells says: “Employees can now view the monetary value of each benefit to show the true cost to them and Simplyhealth at a high level and in great detail. We don’t offer a comparison to the cost of sourcing elsewhere because each individual’s scenario is different.

“We provide a breakdown using both percentages and financial cost so employees have as much information as possible. The more information we, as an employer, can provide, the more an employee is going to get out of the site.”