employee benefits technology

Two-thirds (66%) of employees in the UK believe that the employee benefits offered to them are equal to or more important than their basic salary, according to research by corporate gift organisation Adler.

The survey of 1,000 UK employees also found that 14% would accept an increase in benefits over a pay rise, while 49% would reconsider applying for a job based on the available benefits package.

Almost half (48%) of the UK employees surveyed identified flexible working as one of their top five most desired workplace benefits. Other popular initiatives include pension schemes (44%), performance bonuses (34%), matching pension contributions (34%) and free food and drink (29%).

Male respondents tend to prefer financial-related perks, with 48% citing that pension schemes should be offered as standard and 36% saying that employers should match employees’ pension contributions. This compares to 42% and 31% of female respondents, respectively.

Almost three in 10 (28%) UK employees feel that pension schemes should be enhanced for those with greater length of service, while 27% think that those with longer tenure should receive an increased performance bonus.

A spokesperson at Adler said: “It’s important that businesses recognise how much value [employees] place on the perks and incentives they receive. Providing a benefits package that takes note of what people want can help increase staff loyalty and good feeling towards [the] brand.”