
Manchester-based software service firm Mobysoft has given employees earning up to £35,000 a £1,200 cost of living support payment to help combat the effects of the current cost-of-living crisis.

The payment will be split over the next four months to February 2023, and the firm also offered a tapered support programme for those earning up to £40,000.

According to Mobysoft, which employs around 150 members of staff, it introduced these financial support measures to support employees who it identified as being most impacted by the cost-of-living increases. It aligned its scheme with the average payment from other employers with similar support programmes in operation, after benchmarking how others target support directly to those who need it most.

Alex Karle, chief executive officer at Mobysoft, said: “We have selected the £1,200 deliberately to provide all employees earning up to £35,000 with £1,000 after tax under the four-month programme and hope this can provide reassurance in turbulent times. Mobysoft is the first business in the ECI portfolio to offer this and are in the 1% of organisations our size currently providing this. We truly believe that this exemplifies our human values and our commitment to supporting employees.”

Mandy Costello, client services team coordinator at Mobysoft, added: “I’ve found Mobysoft to be so invested in its employees and their wellbeing, especially over the last two years, and this latest scheme is testament to its dedication in supporting its staff. The support is greatly appreciated with the bills and costs fluctuating at the moment. It means that our employees can relax over the Christmas period without having to worry about finances knowing there is a little bit extra available for a few months.”