Plumbers merchant TG Lynes has enhanced its family support policies for its staff that are welcoming new children into their families or having fertility treatment.
The heating, plumbing and air movement materials supplier has enhanced its maternity and adoption leave policies from six weeks’ full pay to 16 weeks, followed by 23 weeks’ statutory. It has also doubled its paternity leave provision to two weeks’ full pay.
TG Lynes has introduced five days paid leave per IVF cycle or egg freezing, in addition to flexibility to attend appointments. Employees whose partners work outside of the organisation are receiving treatment will also be able to take three days paid leave per cycle.
The organisation, which has a history dating back to 1912, carries out a confidential survey of its more than 70 employees each year, the results of which help to shape its policies and strategies.
Andrew Ingram, managing director of TG Lynes said: “We are proud to be offering our [employees] these improved conditions which reflect our commitment to being a supportive and rewarding employer of choice.
“Starting or growing a family, or seeking help to try to, are significant life milestones and we believe this additional leave will support people as they adjust to their new circumstances.
“Our people are our biggest asset and this move follows feedback from our regular dialogue with colleagues.
“It will also help to ensure we continue to attract the best talent within the sector to support our growth plans and service our customers.”