HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) is offering help to employers to improve their pay-as-you-earn (PAYE) information.

Targeted support will be rolled out to at least 1,000 employers identified by HMRC as having the most issues with data quality. These employers will receive tailored face-to-face visits designed to address data quality problems.

One of the key problems is matching data sent by employers with HMRC’s records and analysis. The main causes of data-matching errors are: an incorrect or missing national insurance (NI) number or date of birth, and a name that is incomplete, misspelt or even made up.

Stephen Banyard, acting director general for personal tax at HMRC, said: “We want to work in partnership with employers to improve data quality.†

“Pilot visits have shown that this face-to-face support can make a real difference to the quality of data we receive from employers and, consequently, will greatly assist the coming move to real time information (RTI).

“Every year, employers send PAYE data to HMRC. While most is accurate, mistakes can be made. This can cause problems for employees, such as wrong amounts being deducted from their pay. It can also use up valuable employer and HMRC time and money putting the error right.”

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