How workplace stress could be hu

Everyone experiences feelings of stress at some point in their lives and, although unpleasant, there’s actually a very good reason our bodies trigger this reaction to certain situations.

Stress hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol, trigger a ‘fight or flight’ response that helps us to react quickly. Ever had to deliver a presentation to the board or talk in front of a room full of people? It’s likely you felt stressed, and that stress supported you in getting through it. Once you were finished, your stress levels probably returned to normal pretty quickly.

However, prolonged stress can leave us in a state of permanent fight or flight, leading to us feeling overwhelmed and unable to cope. A recent report published by the HSE showed that workplace stress is on the rise, particularly in the wake of Covid-19, and there’s a good chance it’s hurting your people and your business.

If you want to know more about how does stress affect an employee, the effect this have on your business and more importantly, ways in which can businesses support their employees click here.