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A best practice guide to improving employee engagement

In any organisation, large or small, the heartbeat of success lies in its workforce. Happy and valued employees are the cornerstone of a thriving business, contributing to enhanced performance and sustained growth.

Employee engagement, therefore, is crucial to success. Most, if not all, HR and people teams know this. But how do you actually improve employee engagement?

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this, however there is a ton of research out there that tells us quite a bit about employee engagement, what it is and how it can be improved in any business.

Here, we discuss some of this research and some of the common challenges people teams face when looking to improve employee engagement. Ultimately, we aim to provide a set of guidelines that apply to almost any business looking to improve employee engagement within their business.

Why is employee engagement important?

Employee engagement is a linchpin for organisational success, underscored by the 2023 CIPD Good Work Index.

As this index reveals a rising inclination toward viewing work solely as a means of income, the correlation between engagement and business performance becomes pivotal.

Though causative links are quite prevalent in the research, engaged employees invariably contribute to success. Factors such as fair rewards, career development, and supportive environments are crucial contributors to engagement.

What factors cause or hinder employee engagement?

Enhancing employee engagement involves understanding its determinants and impediments. The CIPD’s “good work” framework emphasises factors like fair rewards, career development, supportive environments, and work-life balance.

Additionally, the 2009 MacLeod Review identifies strategic leadership, motivating line managers, inclusive decision-making, and alignment of organisational values as crucial enablers.

Evaluating an organisation’s support for these elements provides insights into current engagement levels and areas for improvement. By comprehensively addressing these factors, businesses can cultivate a workplace culture that fosters employee engagement, contributing to a positive and productive work environment.

So, how exactly can a business address these factors and improve employee engagement?

For more on this subject, read our in-depth guide “How to improve employee engagement”.