digital detox

Digital design agency Digital Detox, which employs a team of 50 engineers, creatives and strategists, has been steadily evolving its flexible benefits package over the past few years. The Covid-19 pandemic, coupled with a shift to being digital-first, accelerated the pace of change to ensure that the organisation's flex offering reflected the changing work culture post-pandemic.

Donovan Justice, chief executive officer (CEO) and founder of Digital Detox, says: “Around 30% of our workforce have moved out of London as remote working has become the norm. Therefore, the most obvious candidates for change were the benefits that relied on in-person work, such as the fully paid-for Zone 1-2 travel card, that we have since swapped out in favour of our flexible benefits pot worth £2,000 per employee, which they can spend however they see fit."

The pandemic simply spurred the business on in its existing journey towards a more comprehensive benefits offering, focused on taking better care of employees, adds Justice.

"This is especially the case in the technology sector where, as a collective, we are battling with the ‘Great Resignation’ and a glaring digital skills gap,” he explains.

The organisation's flex benefits offering aligns with its three-pillar approach: people, planet, and technology. Every benefit introduced also falls under one of the following categories: flexible and financial benefits, learning and development, mental health and employee welfare, health and wellness, and culture.

“Our basic wellness package is entirely bespoke for each employee,” says Justice. “We also offer them a £400 annual personal training budget, plus two training days and one volunteering day per year.

"The feedback from our internal benefits survey provides an overview of which benefits are most valued by our team, with the flexible benefits by far the most popular, and these are funded by the [organisation].”

Read more:

The changing face of flexible benefits