mental health

More than one in four (27%) full-time employees find the workplace to be the best space in which to discuss mental health, according to research carried out for Time to Talk Day (Thursday 2 February).

This was higher than talking about it at local cafes (21%), the pub or gym (17%) or a library (9%).

The survey was conducted by Mind, Co-op, Rethink Mental Illness in England, See Me with Scottish Association for Mental Health, Inspire and Change Your Mind in Northern Ireland and Time to Change Wales, and polled more than 5,000 people.

The study also found that 65% of retirees never make space to discuss mental health, compared with 26% of full-time and 31% of part-time employees.

People in full-time employment were slightly more likely to deem conversations about wellbeing to be important, with 82% believing it is important to speak about mental health compared with 77% of the general population.

Meanwhile, 25% of those employed full-time would welcome more information in their place of work on the subject of mental health and wellbeing, such as that available through the Time To Talk Day campaign.

Sarah Hughes, chief executive of Mind, said: “It’s vital we make space in the day for a conversation about mental health. Yet so many of us are finding that looking after our mental health has taken a back seat. Worryingly we fear stigma if we speak up, we can no longer afford to access the things or places that keep us mentally well, or we don’t want to be a burden on others.

“We know that talking about our mental health and listening to others about their experiences can help us feel less alone, more able to cope and encouraged to seek support if we need to. That’s why it's time to talk and to listen this Time to Talk Day.”