All Employee wellbeing articles – Page 10

  • Benefex-1
    Supplier article

    Protecting the mental health of you and your people


    Given the current situation regarding Covid-19, a lot of our employees – in all corners of the world - will be feeling anxious and stressed. But we can help each other get through this challenging time.As global governments are advising us to avoid all but essential social contact, more and ...

  • debbie-lovewell-tuck-1

    Lovewell's logic: Are you being supported through the Covid-19 pandemic?


    How are you? I’m sure that is a question you have asked others on an almost daily basis during the ongoing pandemic; but how many times have you asked it of yourselves?Inevitably, there has been a great deal of focus over the past few weeks on how organisations are treating ...

    Supplier article

    Physical wellbeing: Looking after yourself during the Coronavirus Pandemic


    I can’t say I’m the biggest fan of working from home. Pets demanding attention, the postman interrupting importing calls, your favourite past time becomes staring into the fridge, sound about right? Unless you are one of the lucky ones that have a beautifully designed home office with no interruptions, then ...

  • Untitled-1
    Supplier article

    Superfoods You Should Prepare to Boost Your Immune System


    The ongoing pandemic has most (if not all) of us at home in self-isolation. With all that idle time, it's easy to get tempted into grabbing another bag of crisps or chocolates from the pantry. However, it goes without saying that staying healthy is of the utmost importance nowadays, ...

  • rg2
    Supplier article

    Keeping your people connected while navigating temporary remote work


    Although remote working is nothing new, temporary remote work is the new normal for a lot of organisations during this time of uncertainty. When employees work remotely, it’s important to communicate the small adjustments that will be required. It’s not just equipment but also about the environment, working style and ...

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    Government to allow employees to carry over annual leave for two years


    Employees who are unable to take all of their statutory annual leave entitlement in the current year will be able to carry it over into the next two years.The amendment to the Working Time Regulations, which was announced on 27 March 2020, has been put in place to support employees ...

  • Ann Chalmers: Supporting bereaved employees in the workplace

    Ann Chalmers: Supporting bereaved employees to return to the workplace


    Bereavement is one of the most common factors impacting employees’ performance at work. When events feel out of control, a supportive workplace can be an important source of structure and normality.However, the fear of returning to work and facing colleagues and a loss of confidence are not uncommon. Many bereaved ...

  • Incopore
    Supplier article

    The Benefits of Exercise on the Immune System


    In these times of concern around the coronavirus, it’s more important than ever to be aware of the many benefits of moderate intensity activity for your immune system.What is well-known and widely accepted is that moderate intensity exercise improves both the short- and long-term function of your immune system, so ...

  • Untitled-1-4
    Supplier article

    Get Snacking Right!


    When working from home, snacking is incredibly tempting and many of us try to avoid it. However, there is nothing wrong with snacking if it’s done correctly alongside exercise and it’s much easier to control if you understand the rights and wrongs.Why snack?Get snacking right and you can turn your ...

  • Charles Cotton

    Charles Cotton: Supporting employees through times of uncertainty


    The Coronavirus has plunged businesses into uncertainty and there are reports that millions of jobs could be lost globally as a result of the pandemic. As well as suddenly dealing with financial worries, individuals are concerned about their loved ones getting the virus or contracting it themselves.Many businesses will not ...

  • Caboodle-How-managers-can-support-their-team-while-working-from-home
    Supplier article

    How managers can support their team while working from home


    Whether it’s with mental health or simply adapting to a new working environment, it’s important for managers to not only help themselves while working from home by staying mindful and active, but also to help their team.Doing so could help bring teams closer together despite being, literally speaking, further apart ...

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    Eight in 10 employers pay more than statutory sick pay requirements


    Eight in 10 (80%) employers are providing staff with sick pay at a level over and above statutory amounts during the Covid-19 (Coronavirus) outbreak, according to research by Lewis Silkin.Employer surveys involving 70 HR leaders from businesses collectively employing more than 200,000 staff, which took place in March 2020, also ...

  • How to align occupational health support with workforce demographics

    How to align occupational health support with workforce demographics


    Need to knowEffective occupational health strategies should start with an assessment of workforce demographics and needs.There are some universally important issues, such as the prevalence of musculoskeletal problems in all areas of the workforce.Line managers are an integral resource in creating an effective, tailored approach to workplace health and safety.Workplace ...

  • John Lewis
    Case Studies

    John Lewis aligns occupational health support to employees' needs


    To ensure that its employees are healthy for work, retailer John Lewis Partnership has continually aligned its in-house occupational health strategy to match the changing needs of its workforce, and has done so since 1929, 19 years before the creation of the NHS.This is currently achieved through regular communications between ...

  • Raminder Grewal: Occupational health support for an isolated workforce

    Raminder Grewal: Occupational health support for an isolated workforce


    This month, our offices expanded. From a handful of central locations in our big cities, we have spread to hundreds of small offices around the UK, in bedrooms, empty lofts and on converted kitchen tables. For many, this means comfortable sweatshirts in place of suits and transforming an hour-long commute ...

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    Wilko pushes back sick pay changes due to Coronavirus pandemic


    Having previously announced an end to sick pay for staff of less than a year's tenure, homeware and household goods chain Wilko Retail has pushed back this change and stated that it will continue to pay sick pay to all staff who are absent due to Covid-19 (Coronavirus). Wilko is ...

  • EU-OSHA-Director-Christa-Sedlatschek-6

    Christa Sedlatschek: Why employee mental wellbeing is good for business


    The World Health Organization (WHO) believes that mental health is ‘a complete state of wellbeing’; people with good mental health are capable, resilient, productive and have good social support.Work is good for us in many ways: it gives us structure, purpose and a sense of identity, all of which promote ...

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    What is the role of occupational health in supporting mental wellbeing?


    Need to know: Occupational health provisions have typically been seen as dealing with physical health and safety, but employers should understand and promote their role in supporting mental wellbeing.Having a codified approach to mental health can place it on the same footing as physical health and safety, which has knock-on ...

  • Starbucks mental health

    Starbucks will continue to pay employees not working during Coronavirus pandemic


    American coffeehouse chain and coffee retailer Starbucks will pay its employees for the next 30 days, regardless of whether they choose to stay at home, to ensure any staff that come into work are not doing so because of financial pressures, and to help prevent the spread of Covid-19 (Coronavirus). ...