RG 1st Dec

Companies are looking for more ways to support their employees and ease their financial burden, and a great way to do this is through employee benefits. As employees turn to their companies for this support, it is critical that these benefits are not only provided, but also easily accessible.

Babcock International Group, a leading provider of engineering services with more than 22,500 employees in the UK, was struggling with improving low employee benefits uptake when the organisation came to Reward Gateway for help. Although Babcock’s HR Team had an employee discounts programme in place, it wasn’t being used by employees, and the organisation wanted to provide a more robust benefits offering.

The organisation’s broad workplace demographics, siloed departments and struggles with alignment on communications were some of the challenges Babcock faced when developing its benefits strategy. This was made even more difficult by the fact that a large portion of its workforce was offline and didn’t use a computer as part of their day-to-day role.

Click here to learn how Babcock International Group streamlined benefits for an offline workforce.