All Employee engagement articles – Page 151

  • Holbeche-Linda-2014

    Overuse of staff surveys can lead to staff cynicism


    Employers that conduct frequent staff surveys and fail to analyse and act on their findings can lead to cynical employees who feel left without a voice, according to professor Linda Holbeche.In a session entitled, ‘How to engage employees to unleash productivity’, Holbeche presented at Employee Benefits Live 2014, she acknowledged ...

  • Dinnen-Mervyn-2014

    Mervyn Dinnen: Should employers use social media to communicate benefits?


    According to the study of 2,300 global employees, only about four in 10 feel they can confidently explain to others what their organisation does or what its goals are. The same report also found that 88% of staff use a social media site for personal use, and 50% of them ...

  • U of Reading

    Reading Uni launches benefits on a limited budget


    Claire Eckett, HR manager, rewards and benefits at the University of Reading, will share her experiences of launching a recognition programme on a limited budget during a session at Employee Benefits Live.The session, ‘Motivation and recognition schemes to drive productivity’, will cover why the university introduced the scheme, how it ...

  • ICSA-2014

    ICSA enhances health and wellbeing programme


    The Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (ICSA) has introduced an activities platform to enhance its health and wellbeing programme. The platform, provided by MiPins, enables employees to discover and participate in activities based on their preferences, abilities and availability.On ICSA’s health and wellbeing launch day (pictured), staff could participate ...

  • EBAwards-PensionsCommsSmall-Samsung-2014

    Samsung uses technology to boost engagement


    Joanna Bean (pictured), head of reward, UK and Ireland at Samsung, will demonstrate how the organisation has used flexible benefits technology to boost employee enagegement.She will speak in a session titled ‘Flexible benefits to boost employee engagement’ at Employee Benefits Live, which will focus on using benefits and technology to ...

  • Conway-Neil-RoyalHolloway-2014

    How to select the right Christmas rewards for staff


    If you read nothing else, read this …First determine what kind of Christmas reward to give staff, such as an annual bonus, sales incentive, festive thank-you or seasonal gift.Gift cards and vouchers are popular, while employers can also help staff with their work-life balance by providing more time off during ...

  • Haymes-Rebekah-TowersWatson-2014

    Workplace stress linked to lower productivity


    Employees who suffer from high stress levels in the workplace are less engaged, not as productive and have higher absence rates than those operating under lower stress, according to research by consultancy Towers Watson.Its Global benefits attitudes survey, which surveyed 22,347 people across 12 countries, found that only 10% of ...

  • Tui-Building-2014

    Tui Travel engages staff with non-cash reward


    Robert Cross, head of reward, UK and Ireland at Tui Travel, is to lead a session on the importance of non-monetary reward at Employee Benefits Live.The session, ‘Delivering a true total reward strategy’, will also emphasise the importance of listening to employees and understanding the employee demographic.Cross said: “It will ...

  • Holbeche-Linda-2014

    Line managers key to employee engagement


    Line managers are responsible for employee engagement, according to Professor Linda Holbeche (pictured), co-author of Engaged: Unleashing Your Organisation’s Potential Through Employee Engagement.Organisations need to step away from the practice of human resources surveys and focus more upon benefits and rewards, to ensure a more engaged workforce.“If you create high ...

  • EmployeeBenefits-CoverStory-Sept2014-620

    Which key attributes will HR and benefits professionals of the future possess?


    If you read nothing else, read this…The role of HR and benefits professionals has evolved from administrator to business growth driver.Employee engagement is at the heart of the HR and benefits professional of the future.Benefits professionals that develop a neurological approach to employee engagement will have a more competitive edge. ...

  • Dinnen-Mervyn-2014

    Social media is key to staff engagement


    Mervyn Dinnen (pictured), blogger, and content and social engagement strategist, will speak about social media and its role in engaging employees in the opening keynote session on the second day of Employee Benefits Live.The session, ‘Social media to engage top talent’, will provide an overview of social media, including how ...

  • AnsonsSolicitors-NewBenefits-2014

    Asons launches benefits to boost staff motivation


    Asons Solicitors has launched a range of initiatives to help boost the motivation and satisfaction of its 306 staff. The Greater Manchester-based law firm has launched a social committee, a corporate gym membership and a referral scheme.It has also introduced a gift and incentives scheme, where employees are rewarded with ...

  • Bettelley-Clare-EmployeeBenefits-2014

    Clare Bettelley: Is tokenism an effective driver of engagement?


    Prime Minister David Cameron this week announced an overhaul of his cabinet that saw the ousting of 11 ‘white male ’suits’ and promotion of eight women as part of his ongoing efforts to modernise the Tory party.I’m all for representation, but this reshuffle smacks of tokenism at best, and we ...

  • Article

    Danone has most engaging benefits package


    Danone won the award for Most engaging benefits package at the Employee Benefits Awards 2014.Read why the organisation was judged to be the best in this category.The Employee Benefits Awards 2014 were held on 27 June 2014 at the Artillery Garden at the HAC London.

  • ChiswickPark-Enjoywork-2014

    ESPN and Walt Disney staff take part in summer wellbeing events


    EXCLUSIVE: More than 8,000 employees from 50 organisations based at Chiswick Park, London, are taking part in a number of health and wellbeing events this summer.The business park, which includes employers such as ESPN, Paramount Pictures, Starbucks and the Walt Disney Company, is running its summer programme between 6 June ...

  • GentooGroup-Wellbeing-2014

    Gentoo Group wins engagement and wellbeing award


    Gentoo Group has received the Bupa Workwell Engagement and Wellbeing Award at Business in the Community’s (BITC) Responsible Business Awards.The awards celebrate the achievements of employers that are tackling key social and environmental issues.The organisation, which operates care, support, construction and property services, works with 42 partner organsiations to embed ...

  • JaguarLandRover-InvictusGames-2014

    Jaguar Land Rover staff to volunteer at Invictus Games


    Jaguar Land Rover employees will be given the opportunity to work as volunteers at the Invictus Games, the international sporting event for ‘wounded warriors’ that is championed by Prince Harry.Around 150 of the car manufacturer’s staff will be part of the 600 volunteers helping to run the games, which will ...

  • MurphyColes-Tobin-LoricaEmployeeBenefits-2014

    Tobin Murphy-Coles: The employer conundrum that won’t go away


    Organisational chaos and disruption is something everyone in the HR and benefits industry has felt as a result of the economic downturn, and its effects rumble on as business leaders continue to scrutinise their costs.But one positive effect of this disruption is that it makes organisations stop and think about ...

  • Oscar Mayer

    Oscar Mayer re-engages staff with cash plan


    EXCLUSIVE: Oscar Mayer is re-engaging employees in its health cash plan following 10 years with its provider Bupa.At the end of July, the food manufacturer ran promotional campaigns and competitions for staff across its three sites in Kent, North Wales and Somerset to boost engagement. Some 85% of its 1,600 ...

  • Video

    VIDEO: Jackie Buttery: Create a benefits agenda for a diverse workforce


    She said: “The challenge is getting the right initiatives first and keeping momentum over the long term, beyond the launch phase and into further years of development.”The biggest challenge facing HR and benefits professionals is creating a sustainable benefits agenda that resonates with a diverse workforce, said Jackie Buttery, head ...