All Employee engagement articles – Page 153

  • BenefitsResearch-CoverImage-2014

    Employers focus on improving staff engagement


    The Benefits Research 2014, which was conducted in March 2014 among 256 respondents, found this was the case for just under three-quarters (72%) of respondents.Engagement has topped the list of issues shaping respondents’ benefits strategies since 2011, when 71% of respondents said this was the case, followed by 73% in ...

  • AonHewitt-GlobalEngagementSurvey-2014

    Global employee engagement continues to rise


    Global employee engagement levels increased to 61% in 2013, up from 60% in 2012 and 58% in 2011, according to research by Aon Hewitt.Its 2014 Trends in global employee engagement report, which represents the perspectives of seven million employees across more than 6,000 organisations in 155 countries, found the regions ...

  • Allianz lowers absence with wellbeing programme

    Allianz wellbeing programme reduces absence levels


    EXCLUSIVE: Allianz Worldwide Care has reduced its staff absence levels from 1.71% in 2012 to 1.46% with the help of its new health and wellbeing programme.The programme, which was launched in January 2013 to maintain the high level of engagement across the business, covers five main categories: exercise and fitness, ...

  • East Coast Mainline benefits

    Danone and East Coast shortlisted for engaging benefits


    Danone and East Coast Mainline are among the employers that have been shortlisted for the award ‘Most engaging benefits package’ at the Employee Benefits Awards 2014.This award recognises employers that have used benefits within their wider strategy to engage employees within the organisation.The full category shortlist is:Danone (entered by Thomsons ...

  • EB-FlexibleBenefits-Attitudes2-2014

    Staff engagement is main objective for flex


    Schemes appear to be meeting this aim, with the proportion of respondents reporting that their plan has successfully improved staff engagement rising steadily over the past few years.A further fifth (21%) of respondents cited improving staff recruitment and retention as their scheme’s main objective.Unsurprisingly, employee engagement is the most popular ...

  • Brown-Duncan-AonHewitt-2013

    Duncan Brown: Reward communications: are you listening?


    Reward communication is hard: trying to get some highly technical, mathematical and financial information across to busy employees that show little general interest most of the time. Until things go wrong. And things do seem to be going wrong at the moment.We are just getting ready to publish two of ...

  • p32 Withers 305

    Why benefits professionals need to consider corporate social responsibility


    If you read nothing else, read this…There is no single definition of corporate social responsibility . The term increasingly relates to how employers take responsibility for their impact on the communities and environment in which they operate, as well as the way they treat their staff.Employers should use their benefits ...

  • Sainsburys-SportRelief-2014

    Sainsbury’s staff raise money for Sport Relief


    Sainsbury’s employees have helped to raise £6.5 million for charity Sport Relief, £1 million higher than that given by the supermarket chain in 2012.Sainsbury’s offered employees the opportunity to take part in a range of fundraising activities in the weeks leading up to Friday 21 March, when the first-ever Sainsbury’s ...

  • Bingham-Mark-Secondsight-2014

    Engagement biggest HR challenge


    More than half (54%) of respondents said improving employee engagement is their biggest challenge in 2014, according to research by Secondsight.Its HR challenges survey found that only 17% of respondents cited developing a reward and benefits package as the main challenge.More than a third (39%) of respondents cited implementing legislative ...

  • Richard Scase 2008

    Workplaces must evolve to tackle staff engagement


    Workplaces must evolve by 2020 to tackle the growing issue of employee engagement.Organisations will also have to squeeze their benefits providers to get the best value for money, said professor Richard Scase (pictured), futurologist at the University of Kent, during the closing keynote session The future of the workplace: how ...

  • Hayward-Guy-GoodmanMasson-2014

    Goodman Masson trademarks staff engagement


    EXCLUSIVE: Recruitment firm Goodman Masson has trademarked its employee engagement philosophy.The Experience® and the phrase ‘There is more to life than work®’ become registered trademarks on 28 February.Goodman Masson credits its low levels of employee attrition and high levels of employee engagement to a range of factors, including:Wellbeing initiatives, such ...

  • Brown-Duncan-AonHewitt-2013

    Duncan Brown: Rebuilding and rehumanising performance management


    They are not alone. E-reward will soon release its latest research on the subject. Its previous study found that most organisations, like this large one, had changed their process in the past three years. But most had further reforms planned, a hamster-wheel pattern of change that seems to leave most ...

  • Article

    Duncan Brown: Linking reward with engagement


    The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development’s (CIPD) latest Employee Outlook survey, published in autumn 2013, found just 36% of employees were positively engaged at work and one in four of them are looking for a new job. With 38% of them reporting that their employer still has a pay ...

  • Article

    Employee Benefits award win increases staff engagement


    Amber Garner, benefits team leader at Home Retail Group, answers questions about what it means to win an Employee Benefits’ award.Home Retail Group won ‘Best employee share scheme’ at the Employee Benefits Awards 2013.What has winning an Employee Benefits’ award meant to you and to your team?We are passionate about ...

  • Article

    Havas People launches reward brand


    EXCLUSIVE: Havas People has launched a brand called Many Thanks, which offers a range of options for employers to reward and recognise their employees.The options include gift cards, vouchers and e-codes from a range of well-known retailers, including Love2Shop, Marks and Spencer, iTunes and Debenhams.Employers can also choose from a ...

  • Article

    Christmas bonuses not popular


    The supermarket chain’s 180,000 staff shared a £17 million festive bonus, which included a £20 Asda gift card, £5 each towards a Christmas party, and a free meal.But according to Edenred’s Saying thank you at Christmas 2013 survey, two-thirds (65%) of employee respondents do not expect to receive a Christmas ...

  • NCFE Ellie Jamieson
    Case Studies

    NCFE focuses on flexibility in benefits package


    The transfer will have a direct impact on the benefits taken up by staff at the organisation, which was formerly known as the Northern Council for Further Education.Michelle Sharman, HR manager at NCFE, says: “We are a growing organisation, which brings its own challenges. We are moving from a city ...

  • long-service awards

    Top five long-service awards for employees


    The days of carriage clocks and gold watches as long-service awards are fast disappearing, replaced by gift vouchers and electrical goods as the top gift choices for loyal employees. If you read nothing else, read this… Long-service awards vary across different organisations. The most common long-service awards tend to be ...

  • Opinion

    Suzanne Hughes: Embedding wellbeing and engagement in the workplace


    EXCLUSIVE: As a major employer in the UK, understanding levels of employee engagement and wellbeing at Santander is critical. It’s well known that better engaged people are happier people, and the bonus is that the research tells us happier people are more productive too.To help us continue to track and ...

  • Article

    Effective employee value propositions engage staff


    Global organisations that use an employee value proposition (EVP) most effectively are five times more likely to report that their employees are highly engaged, according to research by Towers Watson.Its Change and communication ROI survey, which questioned 207 large and mid-sized organisations in Asia, Europe and North America, found that ...