All articles by Employee Benefits (1) – Page 16

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    EVs and ULEVs: How employee benefits can help take petrol cars off the road


    Sustainability. It’s a word we’re all hearing more of, and an issue that’s becoming more urgent with each passing year. While large corporations around the world strive to reduce their carbon footprint and make their products and materials more eco-friendly, individual Reward teams might think that they can't make a ...

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    Kellogg's Employee Engagement Success Story


    Companies want to be recognised—making sure that when a target audience is in a position to invest in a particular product or service, they will immediately think of their brand. This is an outward-looking form of recognition. But it is important to look internally too. Creating a ...

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    How to Boost Employee Motivation during an Economic Downturn


    When businesses are affected by economic factors that are outside of their control, it is natural for employees to be concerned. They may worry whether their pay packet will rise in line with inflation, if their working hours will change, or about their overall job security. And ...

  • Webinar
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    Pre-pandemic, providing a globally consistent employee experience was the top HR objective for employers in EMEA, so why are teams struggling to achieve this? Darwin’s research found that only 29% of HR teams in EMEA have fully centralised their HR operations. Read Darwin’s brand new infographic for ...

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    5 Ways to celebrate employee appreciation day


    March 5th mark's Employee Appreciation Day, here at Each Person we know that employees are a company’s greatest asset and appreciation and recognition are vital to a collaborative and engaged workforce, in fact, a study from Each Person found that when asked what would make employees feel more valued in ...

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    The last great workplace taboo: A chat with Channel 4


    The menopause is often a taboo subject at work. In this special edition webinar, I’m joined by Charlotte Mounsey from Channel 4 as we help break down the barriers restricting some of the incredible people in your organisation. Always at the forefront of cultural change, Charlotte takes us through C4’s ...

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    Electric by 2030: Why its good news for the Car Benefit Scheme


    Recently the government have announced a new plan that by 2030, all new cars being sold will be electric. This is part of a plan to help improve the UK’s carbon footprint and includes a funding boost for environmental efforts.£20 million is being invested in the UK design and development ...

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    Lockdown learnings for long-term employee wellbeing


    Over the last year, many companies across the UK have responded to the need for wellbeing support; adapting their offering and implementing new strategies that, as well as helping to safeguard employee wellbeing at the time, are fit for a post-pandemic world. We don’t often read the ...

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    Employee Appreciation- Why It Matters


    Friday the 5th March marks Employee Appreciation Day, a day to appreciate employees in all industries. A Cicero study found that well-recognised employees have more drive and determination, better work relationships, and stronger connections to their company. According to the research by Capita, 34% of employees believe being thanked, appreciated, ...

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    Medivet appoints 87% to measure, understand and improve the mental wellbeing of 3,000 colleagues


    Medivet, one of the leading communities of veterinary professionals, has made colleague mental wellbeing a top priority.The organisation has launched mental wellbeing platform 87% to its 3,000 vets, nurses and all support colleagues.Users can benefit from personalised guidance on how to improve their mental health and the organisation gets insights ...

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    5 key benefits of giving rewards to your employees


    When we are talking to prospective clients, we are often asked about the key benefits of having a reward programme for employees. It’s not that HR professionals do not instinctively know that it is a good thing for a company to do, it’s just that sometimes it’s hard to identify ...

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    Busy Bees Benefits: What does the easing of Lockdown mean for employee engagement?


    On March 8th, all pupils in England returned to in-person schooling, with students in Wales and Scotland returning over the next weeks. These are the first steps on the road to easing of lockdown and a hopeful return towards full economic activity over the coming months.As a business owner, the ...

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    The role of employee benefits in fostering D&I


    Diversity and inclusion should play a significant part in your employee value proposition - given that 76% of individuals class a diverse workforce has an important factor when evaluating companies and job offers. But, simply hiring diverse talent is not enough. It’s about the workplace experience that ...

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    How the Bike to Work scheme can help boost your company’s green credentials


    Staff commuting into the workplace is a big part of overall carbon emissions output for many companies.Since the pandemic hit, over 40% of us were required to work remotely and carbon emissions from the work commute were reduced.With the UK Government roadmap out of Covid now set out, businesses can ...

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    Companies that give more and take less Timpsons


    In a year of hardships, many businesses have enjoyed the tangible benefits of giving, which usually offers a feeling of satisfaction and a sense of community at work. Company culture is a vital part of the heart and soul of a business, employees feel the benefits of a positive ...

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    When the pandemic hit, pushing many of us into remote working, few thought the immediate changes to our daily lives would be so enduring. But months on it’s become clear we’re facing a marathon here - not a sprint. Employers are being asked to rethink how they ...

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    Employee benefits infographic: The potential for greater ROI


    Almost half of employee benefits are underused and undervalued by employees. While the level of awareness is one factor, it’s most likely that the pandemic has changed employees’ needs and expectations and businesses are yet to catch up. Find out: Employees’ awareness and perception of benefits ...

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    Introducing our Cambridge Brain Science Neurocognitive Assessment


    Echelon Health have collaborated with one of the largest and world-leading contributors to the development of psychological theory and practice: Cambridge Brain Sciences, to offer a Neurocognitive brain assessment alongside our existing Health Assessments. The revolutionary assessment will test core areas of cognition that are key to ...

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    Employee engagement: 5 tips to support your employees to feel more engaged while working remotely during COVID


    COVID continues to have a big impact on the workplace and on wellbeing at work. Organisations are still working through the many challenges of supporting the mental health and wellbeing of their employees, many of whom are working remotely and having to juggle a new set of ...

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    How reading can help your team’s mental health


    Reading is fundamental to some people’s lives. With the average person reading 12 books a year, it is evident that society enjoys the escapism that reading brings. Whether you fancy non-fiction or fiction, reading can help your mental wellbeing and workplace colleagues.Why does reading have a positive effect on mental ...