Employees at fleet services provider Run Your Cars are growing moustaches as part of the Movember charity campaign.

Staff are cultivating their facial furniture to help raise money and awareness for prostate and testicular cancer.

Five employees, including managing director Steve Whitmarsh, have pledged not to shave their top lip this month and are hoping to raise hundreds of pounds.

The Movember campaign is the brainchild of the Movember Foundation, and is supported by the Institute of Cancer Research and The Prostate Cancer Charity.

As a thank-you, those supporting the Run Your Cars employees will be sent a Run Your Cars stick-on moustache so they can join in the fun.

Whitmarsh said: “We are looking for individual sponsorship, and for every organisation that joins Run Your Cars during November we will donate the first month’s membership fee from those employers to the fund.

“Whether or not we keep our moustaches next month will be influenced by our partners. However, some of the chaps are looking quite distinguished.”

Read more articles on motivating staff through charity work