Wolseley UK is looking to implement mobile technology within its flexible benefits scheme to improve its employee engagment levels and take up of benefits.

Wolseley plumbers

The heating and plumbing organisation is hoping to implement the technology this year so that employees can make flex choices via their mobile and tablet devices.

Speaking in a session titled ‘The future of flex’ at Employee Benefits Connect on 4 March, Neil McCawley, head of reward, benefits and policy at Wolseley UK, said: “Technology is driving flexible benefits communication to be more targeted and personal and make it more individual to what [employees] want.

“Our goal for this year is to introduce mobile technology to drive participation in our flex window.

“Technology is developing incredibly fast and we want to take advantage of that.”

The organisation launched its scheme, provided by Benefex, in January 2014 for its 6,200 employees.

During the session, McCawley predicted that technology will drive the future of flex through personalisation, benefits recommendations and any-time access.

He also hopes to segment Wolseley UK’s employees further than the three groups that it currently uses to segment its workforce.

McCawley adds: “Last year, we segmented three groups by where they were in the workforce be that a new starter, middle [career] or near retirement.

“We want to take that further during this year’s window to again drive the benefits that people actually want. Technology in flex is a part of that.”