Lem-uhn menstrual leave

London-based PR agency Lem-uhn has introduced a menstrual leave, menopause and miscarriage policy as part of its aim to create a positive work environment.

Employees will be entitled to an additional 10 days of paid personal leave per year if they feel they are unable to perform work duties due to menstruation, menopause and their associated symptoms, or in the event of a miscarriage or pregnancy loss. This is in addition to their existing sick leave entitlements and a medical certificate will not be required.

The policy is intended to be flexible depending on the employee’s needs, providing a range of options. Staff will able to request to work from home if that is most comfortable for them during their period or due to menopause symptoms, or they can stay in the workplace under circumstances that encourage their comfort, such as resting in a quiet area.

The policy has been designed to provide opportunities for restful working circumstances and self-care for employees experiencing symptoms of menstruation and menopause, while not having to use their sick leave. It also seeks to remove the stigma and taboo surrounding menstruation and menopause.

Riannon Palmer, founder and managing director of Lem-uhn, said: “As someone who knows that experiencing a period in the office can often come with shame as you have to hide your tampon on the way to the bathroom, or continue to work as normal while experiencing severe period pain, I feel workplaces should make adjustments to provide a better experience for people during all stages of their lives.

“We hope that introducing this policy will make life easier for women and be part of the change to normalise the conversation about a natural and inevitable part of life for half of the population.”