More than a third (36%) of working parents have considered staying home because they feel unable to cope with childcare costs.

According to a survey by Computershare Voucher Services (CVS), which polled 1,000 working parents, 71% of respondents who use childcare vouchers also spend less than one hour each week planning and organising childcare.

The same percentage (71%) agreed they worried less about childcare than before they began to use childcare vouchers.

Simon Moore, managing director of CVS, said: “Many parents consider it may be more cost effective not to work than to pay for childcare. With reports that childcare costs in the UK are higher than in any other country it is a position that is easy to understand. What we do not know is the number of people who decided it was more cost effective not to work than to pay for childcare.

“We believe more must be done to raise awareness of what is available to help parents. Employers, carers and government all have a role to play in making sure the return to work for parents, particularly new parents, is made as easy as possible.”

Read more articles on childcare vouchers and carers