Online travel agency will discuss the ageing workforce and how employers can create a reward package to suit a multi-generational workforce at Employee Benefits Live 2015.

Luke Sondelski, global manager, compensation and benefits at, will speak at a session entitled ’From Gen Y to the ageing workforce: developing effective reward strategies for different generations’, on the afternoon of 21 September. He will present the session alongside Caroline Bendelow, director of people and performance at Age UK, and Tammy Palmer, head of people development at Age UK. Live-2015

Sondelski explains that the lengthening age-range of employees impacts staff across generations, and the way in which employers use benefits to engage and motivate these generations should be tailored in response to this.

He says: “It impacts the ageing workforce themselves, who want to continue to add value in the workplace as the world quickly changes, as well as the difficulties that come with age, and the newer workforce who need to take on management and leadership from the ageing workforce, which may require new skills.”

He believes that different generations of staff require different benefits, and that a one-size-fits-all approach will be ineffective.

Sondelski hopes that delegates attending the session at Employee Benefits Live will be inspired by some of his ideas about tackling the ageing workforce.

He says: “I hope those who attend will try something new or consider a different perspective when addressing different generations’ benefits.”

Employee Benefits Live 2015 will take place on 21-22 September at Olympia National, London.

View the full conference programme and register to attend.