Global law firm Linklaters has reported a 20.7% mean gender pay gap among more than 5,000 employees, as at April 2020. It has also voluntarily chosen to disclose its ethnicity pay gap data, finding a 10.8% mean difference.
Due to the Covid-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic, gender pay gap reporting regulations have been suspended for the 2019/2020 period, however, Linklaters has chosen to voluntarily reveal these figures, as well as reporting its ethnicity pay gap figures.
Linklaters’s median gender pay gap for employees is 38.8%, as at April 2020, compared to 35.7% at April 2019.
Its median gender pay gap for bonuses paid during the reporting period in London is 58%, compared to a 34.8% bonus payment gap the previous year. The mean gender pay gap for overall bonus payments is 52%, compared to 47.4% over the previous reporting period. Over the reporting period, 67.1% of female employees and 64.4% of male employees received bonus payments.
Half (50%) of employees in the highest pay quartile at Linklaters are female, 54% in the second quartile, 59% in the third quartile and 76% in the lowest pay quartile.
In addition, the organisation’s median ethnicity pay gap is -4.8%. Furthermore, 51.9% of Black, Asian and minority ethnic (Bame) employees were paid bonuses, compared to 73.7% of non-Bame staff.
The proportion of ethnic minority employees in the organisation’s highest pay quartile as 19%, in the second quartile 30%, in the third quartile 26% and in the lowest quartile 20%.
Gideon Moore, firmwide managing partner, and Angela Ogilvie, global HR director at Linklaters, said: “Being a leader in diversity and inclusion is key to achieving our firm’s strategy. We have a comprehensive strategy and supporting action plans for each of our priority diversity strands, which guides our approach to becoming a diverse and inclusive culture.
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“This year, we have once again gone beyond the statutory gender pay reporting requirements and have voluntarily published our data relating to equity partners and ethnicity pay. We are committed to providing fair and competitive reward to all our people and are confident that we pay our people fairly for equivalent roles, regardless of their gender or ethnic diversity
“Our diversity enables us to innovate, deliver the best experience to everyone who comes into contact with us, and attract the best talent. We also recognise that an inclusive culture, building an environment where it’s safe to give feedback, is essential for success. We are committed to being home to an inclusive culture for everyone – regardless of background, identity and circumstance.”