20308 Pluxee October Blogs Mental Health Day  1

Mental health is a universal human right, yet one in six adults’ experiences moderate to severe depressive symptoms. There are barriers. There’s a stigma. As an employer, you can remove them all by ingraining employee mental wellbeing into your core values. Read on to discover how.

Mental health is universal human right, and yet…

“Mental health struggles are, regrettably, becoming a more common experience within organisations. It’s estimated that one in three UK employees have faced mental health challenges in the workplace. However, what’s particularly concerning is that 46% of UK employees express apprehension about facing discrimination or social stigma in their workplace due to mental health issues.” Graham James, Director, Pluxee UK.

Mental health may be a universal human right, but it isn’t a universal reality.

1.75 million people were in contact with mental health services at the end of June 2023 (NHS England).

We can look at the above figure in different ways. On one hand, it paints a bleak picture of mental health in the UK. Still, the most important thing to remember is that these people are receiving help.

What of those who suffer in silence because they’re unable to speak out and seek the help they need?

Remove the stigma. Be the change and give a voice to those who need it most.

In this blog, we take a look at: what’s impacting our mental health, financial anxiety, the time of the year, and be the change for your people.