Help your workforces back problems with DocHQ Physio 27.10

HR managers have to deal with many different issues. You play a vital role in shaping not only the productivity of your company but also the culture. This comes with its own unique set of challenges, not least the fact that an efficient, effective and happy workforce is your responsibility.

One factor that plays a vital role in both your team’s productivity and morale is their physical health. If that begins to slip due to lack of exercise and movement, or because of injury resulting from the workspace set-up, it can lead to further issues down the line, including mental health problems and long-term absenteeism.

As such, keeping your employees healthy and injury-free should be a high priority on every HR managers’ list.

DocHQ makes it easy for you. By signing up to our DocHQ Physio programme, your employees will gain access to a physiotherapist who will formulate a bespoke programme for each employee built around any physical problems they might have, however small.

Not only that, they can then perform the prescribed exercise programme using our revolutionary software that utilises AI to track their movements as they do the exercises, providing instant feedback, statistics and data to help motivate them and drive them forward to keep taking part, building strength and returning from injury.

Treatment at home

Statistics show that 7.3 million working days were lost in 2021 to musculoskeletal disorders. With DocHQ Physio, you can help employees remain free from back, neck or other musculoskeletal issues thanks to our physiotherapists and body-tracking AI technology, thereby ensuring your workforce is fit and healthy and not missing work due to injury.

DocHQ Physio provides the ability for your staff to perform low-impact exercises as part of their treatment plan from the comfort of their homes or office, at whatever date and time is convenient for them.

Innovative AI technology means that users can see themselves onscreen performing their set exercises alongside a video demo, while receiving live feedback to easily correct their movement and optimise their performance. The AI tech also means their physiotherapist can monitor their progress and adjust their programme as and when it’s required.

The importance of breaks

Whether your employees work from home, in the office or hybrid, regular breaks are crucial to ensure they remain fit and healthy. A 2022 study by PLoS One found that taking microbreaks throughout the day reduced stress and fatigue and improved wellbeing of participants.

With DocHQ Physio, your employees can perform low-impact exercises as part of their treatment plan during their breaks, combing stretching and physical exercise to boost productivity.

Performing rehab exercises for even just 10-15 minutes during the day can help boost strength and fitness, while also helping to ensure that future musculoskeletal injuries are less likely to occur.

DocHQ helps rehab workplace injuries

Despite everyone’s best efforts, workplace injuries can occur. At a time when NHS waiting lists are longer than ever, DocHQ Physio can remove the wait – which may include time off work – by providing access to a chartered physiotherapist via video call. The physio will assess their injury and draw up a bespoke treatment plan of exercises using the AI software.

What’s great about the AI technology – aside from the fact that it provides targeted improvements to each user’s movements – is that it keeps users motivated. A common issue physiotherapists face is that patients fail to perform their treatment plan due to a lack of motivation to complete the exercises without the assistance of a guide to provide encouragement and correct them.

DocHQ Physio not only provides a motivational AI coach to help patients accurately perform their exercises, but it also keeps a log of their progress to help the physiotherapists see how their patient is performing and what areas need more attention.

In an era when data and tech is more important than ever in terms of tracking progress – whether it’s running a 5K race or hitting 10,000 steps a day – DocHQ Physio offers a new service that data-lovers and the non-tech-savvy will equally relish taking part in.

To learn more about how DocHQ’s Physio services can help your business, and to discuss bespoke corporate packages, contact Amit Arora at