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How To Celebrate Black History Month At Work

October is a great time to recognize and celebrate Black History Month at work. Black History Month was first celebrated in 1987 after many people felt that black history was not recognized in the UK.

A lot of research has gone into the importance of racism, discrimination and the treatment black employees face. Despite efforts to promote diversity in the workplace, unconscious bias and negative attitudes towards black people still exist.

Therefore, we have put together some ways you and your employees can celebrate Black History Month at work:

1. Reflect on your own diversity and inclusion efforts

You might think running company events focusing on Black History Month is a good starting point. However, the biggest difference you can make is to reflect on your own company efforts. Are you making sure you are promoting diversity company wide? How are you incorporating diversity in the workplace?

Ask yourself those questions and speak to your employees and hear their thoughts on diversity in the workplace.

2. Look into areas of growth

Black History Month is an opportunity for your company to look into areas of growth. Do you find that your company is lacking diversity and inclusion practices? If so, look into your companies recruiting, interviewing and on boarding process.

Not only that, your current staff would appreciate your diversity and inclusion efforts with 76% of employees saying that they value a diverse workforce.

3. Recognise and reward your employees

Employee recognition is important in building diverse and inclusive workplaces. A guaranteed method to increase your diversity efforts is making sure your rewards are inclusive. You can do this by changing your approach to your reward and recognition strategy. Each Person helps you do this by allowing you to praise your employees through giving them vouchers, cashback and donate a tree.

How can Each Person Can Help?

Celebrating Black History Month at work is just an example. Each Person understands the importance of diversity and inclusion in the workplace 365 days of the year. Each Person has a reporting capability so that you can see who is being recognised which can be done according to race, allowing people to pick up on signs of discrimination. Moreover, ecards are designed to celebrate specific events such as Diwali.

If you want additional resources to help celebrate Black History Month at work, look at this resource pack.

Get in contact with Each Person to find out how you can reward and recognise your employees from all corners of the world. We offer a range of rewards for your employees such as vouchers that you can claim cashback on. Additionally, you are able to recognise your employees by sending a personalised ecard to appreciate their hard work. If you want to find out more about Each Person, contact

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