Employee Benefits Summer socials

When Summer rolls around, many employees enjoy early ?nishes and more social events. And let’s face it, we Brits feel the need to soak up every ray of sunshine and make the most of warmer months.

The sun appears and most people’s ?rst thought is a cold, refreshing and *usually alcoholic* beverage in a bustling pub garden. So it would make sense that work social events typically involve drinking alcohol or going out in some capacity.

But work socials need to span much wider than a few pints in the pub on a Friday afternoon. With a rise in people ditching the drink and looking for more enriching activity-based work socials, it is time to talk about how work socials impact your company culture.

What is a Work Social Event?

Work social events take place within a relaxed environment but in relation to work. They can be a way for people to network and foster professional relationships (1). Work socials are a great way to help employees unwind from the workday and connect with fellow colleagues. They can also be a great way for companies to show their appreciation for employees and develop their culture (2).

Why is Company Culture Important?

“Company culture can be de?ned as the ways people in the organisation behave and the attitudes and beliefs that inform those behaviours” (3). Developing company culture is important for attracting new staff and retaining people currently in your team (2). It also helps create more driven, creative and collaborative teams, allowing your company values to shine through.

Work Social Events and Company Culture

Work socials can have a signi?cant impact on company culture. These events need to go beyond informal dinners and drinks as they are a perfect opportunity to showcase your company's vision.

For example, if you’re a sportswear brand, work socials that include fun outdoor activities will be much better suited to your culture than a cheese and wine night.

Work Social Events and Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol is often related to work and social events, especially within the general UK drinking culture. Yet, around 20% of the population doesn’t drink at all, with this ?gure increasing among young people in particular (4).

Gen Z’ers are leading the way as the most sober-curious generation. In one study, only 60% of people 18 to 34 said they drank alcohol, compared to 70% of people 35 to 54 (5).

Besides going alcohol-free, many employees are looking for more meaningful work socials that allow them to feel a sense of belonging and connection. Engaged employees are four times more likely to stay with their current organisation than those who are not (2). And well-executed work socials are a great way to keep talent on your team, attract new hires, and source potential clients.

Creating Culture-Driven Work Socials

If you’re looking for ways to inject your company culture into engaging work socials that include everyone in your team, here’s where you need to start.

  1. If you haven’t already, get clear on your company values.
  2. De?ne what you’d like your employees to get out of the event
  3. Ask your people and see which activities and events they would like to attend
  4. Ensure everyone feels included and the activity is accessible and appropriate for everyone on the team
  5. Ask yourself - “does this work social event represent our company ethos and brand values?”
At Each Person, our company values include things like teamwork and innovation, so our next work social is a pottery painting workshop. We have a jar ?lled with non-drinking-related activities and social ideas that our team can choose from. This helps ensure everyone feels included and has their say!

If you’re committed to achieving excellent company culture and want to give back to your people, get in touch with us and see how we can help you today. Email us at support@eachperson.com.

Ellie Pinder


1 - Bene?ts of Work Social Events - Redwolf and Rosch - https://redwolfrosch.com.au/blog/bene?ts-of-work-social-events-byby-the-best-it-recruitm ent-agencies-in-canberra :~:text=A%20workplace%20social%20event%20provides,betwee n%20co%2Dworkers%20or%20employers.

2 - Fostering employee engagement through work-social events - Mentor Works - https://www.mentorworks.ca/blog/business-strategy/work-social-events-bene?ts/

3 - Company culture is everyone’s responsibility - HBR - https://hbr.org/2021/02/company-culture-is-everyones-responsibility

4 - https://alcoholchange.org.uk/alcohol-facts/fact-sheets/drinking-trends-in-the-uk :~:text=O ver%20the%20last%20century%2C%20the,steadily%20%E2%80%93%20especially%20amo ng%20young%20people.

5 - https://www.businessinsider.com/gen-z-drinking-less-alcohol-bad-news-concert-venues-p romoters-2023-6?r=US&IR=T :~:text=Gen%20Z'ers%20say%20they,talent%20agent%20told
