20201208 How employee benefits platform can improve engagement V2

It’s one thing having a great range of employee benefits but achieving the engagement levels you know they deserve is a whole different challenge.

There are lots of aspects that make up excellent employee engagement. Here we look at one aspect in particular, your employee benefits platform.

The return on investment for an employee benefits platform is almost guaranteed when it comes to improved employee engagement. Here’s how an employee benefits platform can improve employee benefits engagement.

The fundamental employee benefits engagement advantages

There are some immediate advantages that an employee benefits platform provides when it comes to employee benefits engagement, whether it’s an off-the-shelf foundation level platform or a more bespoke enterprise version.

Like much of the software your employees use already, an employee benefits platform is intuitive, and employees can find exactly what they need in an instant.

This ease-of-use for employees creates stickiness, where employees are more likely to return and use the platform and take full advantage of your benefits.

It also means there’s less need for long training, webinars or demonstrations and employees can start using their platform right away, finding exactly what they need in the shortest amount of time.

Accessibility is key too. An employee benefits platform can be accessed on mobile, tablet and desktop making it quick to access whenever and wherever your employees need it.

Think about all the apps, websites and platforms you use intuitively. Chances are they’re easy to access and intuitive to use. This helps you get the most from that product or service. An employee benefits platform provides the same advantages to your employees when it comes to your employee benefits.

Creating positive word-of-mouth

An employee benefits platform helps overcome some of the barriers that prevent positive word-of-mouth from your employees.

Before employees will champion your benefits, they need to get real value from them. To get real value, your employee benefits at a minimum must be easy to access and easy to use.

The stickiness this then creates helps employees not only benefit more from your employee benefits but learn more about how they can help them in their day-to-day lives and also how they could help others.

The more they learn about your benefits and how they can be beneficial to them, the more likely they are to recommend them to colleagues.

Make your benefits fit seamlessly into your day

Think about the software your employees use on a daily basis. Whether it’s Microsoft Teams, Zoom, project management or task management software, chances are it’s intuitive, quick and easy to use and it helps the employee complete tasks quickly and efficiently.

Your employee benefits should be the same, which is where an employee benefits platform comes in. By hosting your benefits on a dedicated platform, your employees will use it like they use Microsoft Teams or Zoom and they’re much more likely to log in out of working hours too.

The right information in the right place

Without an employee benefits platform, if an employee has a question about their benefits, they may either have to log in to various different platforms or wait to ask the question of their HR department during the working day.

With a platform, not only can employees access the information they need all from one place quickly and easily, their frequently asked questions can be uploaded to their platform for future use.

This means with a platform you’ll be able to tailor the information relating to each employee benefit to your business and your employees, giving employees access to the relevant information whenever and wherever they need it.

Informing benefits decisions with data

One key advantage of having an employee benefits platform is having all your management information in one place.

A platform allows you to get a better idea of which employee benefits are most popular and which haven’t quite got the engagement you were hoping for.

With this information you’ll be better able to optimise your benefits set up, either adapting communications based on the data or removing or adding new benefits.

As a result, you’ll have an employee benefits set up in place that your employees love, with high engagement and a good return on investment.

What are the other advantages of an employee benefits platform?

An employee benefits platform can help with so much more than just employee engagement.

A purpose-built platform will allow you and your employees to get the very most out of your employee benefits package.

To find out more, take a look at all the features of our innovative Salary Extras employee benefits platform.