All Employee engagement articles – Page 113
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Behind the curtain: A look into Reward Gateway’s products
Every day, our 400+ RGers around the world are busy making the world a better place to work. And even though a lot has changed in the past few months, our dedication to creating world-class products and bringing our client experience to life through tireless innovation is here to stay. ...
Unilever launches mental wellbeing programme for 62,000 employees
Consumer goods organisation Unilever has launched a 14-day mental wellbeing resilience programme to increase employee engagement and to enhance the wellbeing of its 62,000 global employees.Led by Jean-Laurent Ingles, executive vice president of Hair Care at Unilever, the programme has been launched to support employees during the Covid-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic.The ...
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Is spying on your employees the answer to preventing burnout?
Reports suggest a huge increase in sales of computer surveillance software in the UK since lockdown began. The kind of thing that monitors every key that’s pressed or takes screenshots of the employee’s computer at regular intervals. You could view this as employers going full Orwell. But the software producers ...
Kellogg's launches flexible summer hours for 460 employees
Food manufacturer Kellogg's UK has launched a flexible summer hours scheme for its 460 employees.Now in its 17th year, the benefit has been adapted to take into consideration that employees may appreciate additional flexibility during the Covid-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic.From 17 May 2020, the organisation is allowing employees to finish work ...
91% of employees would prefer the option to work remotely
Nine in ten (91%) employees would prefer to have the option to work remotely, according to research by Eskenzi PR.Its Covid-19 Remote working survey asked 1,000 full-time employees in the UK how they would feel about returning to an office environment after the Coronavirus pandemic was over.The report also found ...
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How Cultural Alignment Enables Continuity
Cultural continuity is an important aspect of wider business continuity that has sometimes been overlooked. With the rapid spread of the pandemic, many businesses were forced to think on their feet about how they maintain that continuity, and cultural continuity will likely be of increased prominence over the coming years.At ...
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5 ways managers can support employees with learning and development
In the face of a global pandemic, learning and development may not be at the top of everybody’s agendas as other more pressing and urgent matters take precedence. However, learning and development shouldn’t be forgotten about - it’s crucial for businesses as it supports an organisation's growth, fills gaps and ...
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How to successfully help your team adapt and collaborate during COVID-19
The impact of COVID-19 has undeniably had an effect on teams and organisations globally, it’s forced many into new ways of working such as working from home for the foreseeable future. For some people, working from home can be a big change and a new concept to adapt to. For ...
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Employee Engagement – What we can learn from the Covid19 Climate
Over the last month or so we have seen Covid-19 change the business and economic landscape beyond our wildest imagination. High streets and office blocks sit empty, schools, sports clubs and other municipal buildings are shut, and we are all being told to stay home for an indefinite period. Not ...
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Making a strategic contribution
Thomsons Online Benefits’ research found that for the c-suite to fully capitalize on its position and make a strategic contribution to the business, it must secure further investment in the latest HR tech and invest in its data analytics capabilities.Read their short guide for how the c-suite are:Focusing on retaining ...
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The Reward Gateway Story: A look back at our first month during COVID-19
From a global pandemic to shifting our 400+ strong workforce to an entirely remote one, I know that industries and leaders everywhere are facing new challenges and weathering their own personal storms, and I hope our own story offers some practical advice and inspiration on how you can navigate the ...
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The CEO Corner: Leading with trust, caution and optimism during a crisis
Executives and other business leaders face day-to-day challenges, but dealing with a crisis is different and when it comes to an existential threat like a global pandemic few can be expected to be prepared.Crises are unsettling, and employees are looking for ways to balance their professional requirements and their emotions.If ...
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Preventing HR tech barriers
This short guide, ‘Preventing HR tech barriers', designed specifically for HR information technology professionals, looks at how HR teams use HR technology to improve employee engagement, gain clarity on departmental spending and how some are even using data analytics to check the ROI on benefits spend.But barriers to investment still ...
Rebecca Peters: Engagement lessons that organisations can learn from social media
Given the prevalence of social media in most people’s lives, it should be one of the most accessible ways for employees to exercise their voice. However, our research tells us that business social media is less commonly used to solicit voice than one-to-ones, staff surveys and team meetings.Organisations may be ...
What engagement lessons can employers learn from social media?
Need to know:Employers can use social media techniques to encourage employees to engage with and take up benefits.Creating an open space for communication and sharing can give employers valuable data from which to create an effective benefits strategy.Benefits technology can use social media communication techniques to reach employees in a ...
Case Studies
Infographic: Using social media lessons to engage employees
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Employee engagement during Covid-19
One of the most interesting things about employee engagement is that, when things are going well, you can easily not notice it. But when an organisation is struggling, that’s when it really comes alive. When you need your employees to step up and work together, your culture can really flourish. ...
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Workplace productivity: How to stay productive and professional whilst working from home?
The Coronavirus may now be a pandemic, but unfortunately it hasn’t taken over the world to the extent where working ends. Companies are now actively encouraging their employees to work from home, if possible. However, there is still demand for workplace productivity and professionalism, and that’s when working from the ...
Mazars drives leadership and engagement through social media
In May 2018, Audit, accounting and consulting organisation Mazars, used social media to drive leadership, communication, and engagement within the organisation.Mazars had two aims when creating this program for employees, to create additional visibility for content, and empower employees.With 18,000 employees in 79 countries, Mazars used a third party social ...
Only 30% of the UK workforce experienced working from home in 2019
Only 30% of UK employees ever worked from home during 2019, according to the latest research by the Office of National Statistics (ONS).Due to the current Covid-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic, many UK employees are now expected to work from home for the foreseeable future. The research, published on 24 March 2020, ...