All articles by Employee Benefits – Page 24

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    An unengaged employee may never have felt loyalty to a business, doing their job and nothing more. A disengaged employee was once engaged with and passionate about their role and employer.The Impact of Disengagement on the BusinessThe disengaged employee may still perform their role, but the engaged employee will strive ...

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    What is the impact of the cost of living crisis on people’s ability to save for retirement?


    Since the pandemic, people have been faced with a multitude of challenges impacting their finances and none more so than the cost of living crisis. Recently, the pressures on household income has raised concerns that members will look at their pension contributions as a way of cutting back on their ...

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    Supplier article

    Helping employees navigate through the cost of living crisis


    As the cost of living crisis deepens, the squeeze on household income is set to continue for some time, impacting the financial wellbeing of employees.Although it can be daunting, it is crucial for employees to face financial issues head on and find the most effective route to get on top ...

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    Taking control of your finances in 2023


    With increasing costs continually putting pressure on household finances, 2023 is set to be a financially challenging year for many. It’s therefore now more important than ever to support employees to take control of their finances to successfully navigate the cost-of-living crisis.To help, WEALTH at work, a leading financial wellbeing ...

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    Childcare vs. Eldercare: How polarising benefits can work together


    Whilst health benefits for the workplace are nothing new, there are far moreoptions today than there ever was before. The growth in healthtech has brought a wave of new innovations, apps and technologies that are helping boost thebenefits market. Whether it is midwifery, fertility, menopause, paediatrics, men’shealth or MSK, there ...

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    Monday 16th January is the third Monday of the month and has long been dubbed Blue Monday. So named due to the wet and grey weather, personal guilt over the Christmas binge, and post-Christmas finances.Employee mental wellbeing should always be a business priority, but with this notorious date looming, it’s ...

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    5 key skills that carers bring to the workplace


    *Ping*Another email lands in your inbox. Another CV. You open it up eager to take a look at a prospective new employee. You want experience, expertise and a proven track record. It looks good. Very good. You scan the cover letter and something catches you off guard. This applicant is ...

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    5 mistakes you're making in a wellbeing webinar


    Webinars are being increasingly used by businesses to inform, teach new skills and inspire change and reflection in their target market. However, as with any kind of presentation, you’re up against waning attention spans and cynics in the audience. We’ve outlined some of the common traps businesses ...

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    How to help your employees cope with the January blues


    As we approach the third Monday of January, supposedly we will also reach the most depressing day of the year. Dubbed “Blue Monday”, the 16th of January is the day that the new year reality hits us: we’re all freezing, broke and annoyed that our new year’s resolutions haven’t lasted ...

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    5 Reasons Why You Need ‘Employee of the Month' Awards


    What is Employee of the Month?The Employee of the Month award enables employers to commend their team for effort and achievements. Many companies use this as a way of showing appreciation, congratulating, and even motivating staff. There are many other ways that Employee of the Month awards can benefit your ...

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    Let’s get your 2023 wellbeing offering off the ground!We wrapped up 2022 with a review of what the businesses that made it onto the year’s top employer’s lists did to secure their spots. Whilst there was a strong focus on career development and social value, wellbeing initiatives and employee benefits ...

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    The main causes of stress in the workplace


    New data shows how one in 14 UK adults feel stressed every single day. A big contributor to stress can be work. If you’re feeling stressed at work, it is important to assess how you work to identify any problems which may be causing you any grievances.In situations such as ...

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    Supplier article

    How to Support Your Employees During the Cost of Living Crisis This January


    It’s all you hear on the news, ‘the Cost of Living Crisis’— a time of sky-high interest rates, food prices, and surreal energy bills. In November 2022, the UK’s inflation rate hit 10.7%, surpassing that of the US and France. Despite the introduction of price caps and new emergency policies, ...

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    Struggling to source the best talent for your business? Stop hiding your benefits and enhance your talent strategy with these tips


    Is your business trying to source the best talent - and struggling? According to HiringPeople, 87% of companies have found it difficult to fill job openings in 2022. So, why do many businesses hide their rewards and recognition schemes? Why do others fail to understand how beneficial these can be ...

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    How to motivate your team through the January blues


    With such a high from the festivities over the Christmas period, the new year can often lead to mixed emotions. At first everyone feels the buzz of the “new year, new me” mantras but before long you may be feeling overwhelmed. This uneasy feeling at the start of the new ...

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    The 3 pillars of employee wellbeing


    Employee wellbeing has three pillars: physical, mental and financial.Today, each is recognised as critical to developing a strong, healthy organisation.Get employee wellbeing right, and it can help you build what McKinsey, a global management consulting firm, would class as a “non-traditional employee value proposition”. This is where you make your ...

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    How to look out for your employees mental health during the January blues


    Coming back to work after the Christmas break can seem daunting. As you get back to your desk to start your day, reality kicks in and you may feel overwhelmed: you now have to wait a whole year until you can return to the bright lights and excesses that go ...

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    The Festival of Sleep and the importance of some good quality shut eye.Tuesday 3rd January is The Festival of Sleep Day. Whilst its history is unknown, the importance of its message is unmistakable.Are Your Employees Getting Enough Sleep?As an employer, you may not think you’re impacted by your employees’ sleeping ...

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    Five simple wellbeing measures to implement in your work routine for 2023


    With the holiday season over and the new year upon us, it is a great time to assess what wellbeing initiatives you take to look after yourself during the working day. Assess if they are working, and, if not, how you can improve bad habits and start a new, healthy ...

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    How to speak to your team about personal finances


    Conversations about finances between employers and employees can be awkward. There are often subtle moments where the more senior person’s position of authority is prominent. Staff can feel reluctant to open up about personal issues as a result, as they can potentially feel vulnerable and judged in these situations.Lots of ...