One-third (32%) of employers offer stress management or support to staff, according to research by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).

The DWP's Health and wellbeing at work: a survey of employees also found that only 38% of respondents reported having access to occupational health services. This was more prevalent among those working in the public sector and those working in larger organisations.†

Almost half (48%) of respondents reported taking some sick leave in the previous 12 months and the average number of days’ sickness absence was 4.5, while 42% reported that they had gone to work in the previous 12 months when, in their opinion, they should have taken sick leave.

Only 10% of respondents said they were not aware of their organisation's sick pay policy, while 65% reported that sick pay was paid at their normal rate of pay during their first seven days of absence.†

Respondents working for large (250 and more employees) and medium (50-249 employees) organisations were more likely than those working for small employers (2-49 employees) to report that they received full pay during the first seven days of absence.

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