Family support service Cafcass has integrated its occupational health provision within its wider health and wellbeing strategy.

The organisation took measures to use its health and wellbeing spend more effectively after recognising that it was investing across a number of different providers, with a lot of reactive rather than proactive services.

Cafcass launched a health cash plan in April 2013 and consolidated many of its health and wellbeing services into one provider. For example, an employee assistance programme is available through the plan, as well as an eyecare benefit, both of which were previously provided through separate means.

With a view on operating as efficiently as possible, the organisation uses occupational health selectively. For example, if an employee has a condition that may be deemed a disability under the Equality Act, it will seek advice from its occupational health provider.

The organisation’s senior HR manager Daryl Maitland says: “We tend to work in partnership with our occupational health provider. We’ve done briefings with the physician team to help them understand the work of Cafcass. When it advises us on the reasonable adjustments, it’s important that it understands what the role is and the nature of the organisation. It signposts to resources we have in-house. It knows about our health plan so it knows they can signpost [employees] to get physiotherapy or a massage.”