5 ways to build community at work

Community is among the oldest aspects of humanity’s journey to modern day. The majority of workers spend 40 or more hours weekly at work in an office (or home office, which still counts), usually with the same handful of teammates and coworkers. Establishing a sense of connection with each other is important for employees mental health, and also business success.

The increasing landscape of hybrid work and dispersed workers has only made this more important when your employees are most likely not working face-to-face throughout the week, or have ample opportunities for water cooler chats.

Click the link to read 5 ways to that we, at Reward Gateway, are connecting with our employees and growing a sense of community, no matter where we work from.

  1. Create a culture of continuous recognition
  2. Foster clear and engaging communication
  3. Take time in meetings to connect as people
  4. Host volunteering opportunities and events
  5. Build extra layers of belonging among social groups

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