Southern water

Just over 68% of the utility’s employees have joined the scheme, which is funded by the organisation, with employees liable only for a small benefit-in-kind tax payment.

Suzanne Gregory, reward manager at Southern Water, says: “The cash plan fits really well with our promotion of the wellbeing programme we are working on this year, and with employee engagement.

“It promotes wellbeing as it offers cash back for routine everyday health needs, including optical and dental check-ups and prescription charges. So, regardless of whether staff choose to have NHS or private treatment, yourHealth Cash Plan gives them money back on the cost of treatments. I am delighted with the response rate, with over £10,000 worth of claims already made in the first two months.”

The scheme, provided by Bupa, was promoted through a communications campaign that included employee briefings, roadshows and drop-in sessions at several of Southern Water’s offices, as well as across all the employer’s sites, using emails, posters, internal newsletters and the intranet.