How do you use social media?

I really like [the] Twitter trend #ShorterHR. The idea is to write HR policy in 140 characters or less. Below are some of the best examples, together with a number of my own contributions. This exercise also has a serious point. It would be a major step forward if HR policy could be written in clear and easy-to-understand English. Here is a mixture of the funny and the serious: Death benefit: You die, we pay. Don’t sack pregnant women, ever. Deferred bonus: no bread today, maybe jam tomorrow.

Ian Davidson, reward and benefit consultant

How can employers improve the wellness of employees?

The penny has to drop at some stage on the realisation that a robust wellness strategy and meaningful, enthusiastic delivery of funded interventions to the whole workforce is a fundamental and prudent business tool, not a low priority for consideration at some stage when we have the budget.

If [employers] had the same approach to staff as they do to their IT and vehicles, it would be sorted. When looking after plastic and metal assets, budget is always found to maintain these for maximum performance. The focus is not what will it cost us if we do it, it is what is it costing us operationally if we don’t.

Mark Marriott, director of business development, UK Preventive Medicine