NHS Headed paper

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NHS staff in Wales, who are members ot trade union Unite, have approved the government’s proposal of a 5.5% pay increase for 2024/25.

According to Unite, the pay deal needs to signal the start of pay restoration and the proper valuing of NHS staff.

Mark Drakeford MS, cabinet secretary for health and social care, announced on 10 September that the Welsh government accepted the recommendations made by the NHS Pay Review Body (NHSPRB) and the Doctors and Dentists Review Body (DDRB) for 2024/25, which mean NHS staff on Agenda for Change contacts, doctors and dentists will receive an above-inflation pay award, backdated to 1 April 2024.

The pay review body recommended a 5.5% increase for all Agenda for Change pay bands, which includes nurses, cleaners, porters and healthcare support workers.

Sharon Graham, general secretary at Unite, said: “NHS staff are the bedrock of our healthcare system; without their dedication, hard work and commitment the NHS simply doesn’t exist.

“{The] government needs to understand the foundations of this acceptance are fragile and there is still much to be done to restore the NHS workforces’ confidence in politicians.”