Latchmere Leisure Centre in Battersea has agreed to a 16% pay rise for its cleaners from 1 October.
The leisure centre is owned by Wandsworth Council and Places for People Leisure Management (PPLM), which manages the centre.
The cleaners, who are all Bolivian and members of United Voices of the World (UVW), launched a campaign back in June, which focused on the need for dignity, respect and a voice at work. They wanted to win statutory trade union recognition through the Central Arbitration Committee after their request for recognition by PPLM was rejected.
A ballot for industrial action among members had a 100% turnout, with 100% voting yes.
According to UVW, the cleaners will continue to negotiate their recognition agreement terms with PPLM, which will allow them the right to negotiate working conditions and pay on a yearly basis.
Petros Elia, general secretary for UVW, said: “These brave cleaners have forced PPLM to redistribute their wealth with all leisure centre workers up and down the country. This is yet another example of low paid migrant workers leading the way in their fight back against poverty pay. It is vital that we share the story of these inspiring workers, the cleaners at Latchmere Leisure. If they can do it, then so can you.”
A spokesperson from among the cleaning staff added: “A proper living wage is a right for all, whether you’re a migrant worker or not. If you don’t have a living wage it is your duty to fight for it. The bosses will try to deny you your rights and try to bring you down, but you have to keep going. Unity is strength and anything can be achieved if we are united as workers.”
A spokesperson for Places for People Leisure Management said: “We’re pleased to announce we have committed to introducing the real living wage and London living wage to support our colleagues with the current cost of living.”