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Oil and gas firm BP has reported a mean gender pay gap of 14.9% for 2022, down from 19% in 2021.

Its median gender pay gap for last year was 14.1%, down from 16.2%. A total of 69% of men made up the employer’s upper pay quartile in 2022, whereas its lower quartile consisted of 44% of men.

A total of 90.8% of women and 89.8% of men received bonus pay in 2022, compared with 42% of both in 2021. Its mean bonus gap dropped from 54.9% to 50%, and its median fell from 36.3% to 28%.

BP’s 2022 mean ethnicity pay gap was 13.9%, up from 9.1% in 2021, and its median gap was 8.3%, up from 4.7% the prior year. Its upper pay quartile was made up of 85% of white staff, with its lowest consisting of 73% of white workers.

Its 2022 ethnicity bonus gap was 39.4%, down from 48.5% in 2021, with 87.6% of other ethnic background and 91.5% of white employees receiving a bonus. This was significantly higher than the respective 17.5% and 19.7% figures in 2021.

Louise Kingham, senior vice president, Europe and head of country, UK at BP, said: “We’ve made progress towards closing our UK gender pay gap but there’s still more work to do. Our pay gap will only close when we improve representation of women working in senior roles. That’s why we want to achieve gender parity for the top levels of leadership by 2025, and for all executive level employees by 2030. We need to reflect the diversity of the world we operate in.”

Murray Auchincloss, chief financial officer and UK ethnicity champion at BP, added: “To address our UK ethnicity pay gap, we must focus on achieving our 2025 ambition for ethnic minority representation. This ambition includes our aim to increase representation at all levels, including senior leaders.”