Bill Alexander 430

More than two-fifths (42%) of employee respondents aged 18-24 did not receive a reward from their employer in 2015, according to research by Red Letter Days for Business.

Its The rewards report, which surveyed 2,006 British employees, also found that almost half (48%) of respondents aged 55 and over did not receive a reward from their employer last year.

The research also found:

  • Less than a quarter (23%) of respondents aged 25-34 years old were not rewarded in 2015, compared to 31% of 35-44 year olds and 36% of 45-54 year olds.
  • 71% of London-based respondents received a reward from their employer in 2015, compared to 70% of Yorkshire-based respondents and 66% of East Midlands-based respondents.
  • 43% of Scotland and East Anglia-based respondents did not receive any form of reward last year, while 42% of respondents in Wales did not.
  • More than two-thirds (69%) of respondents who did not feel motivated in 2015 did not receive some form of reward or recognition from their employer for a job well done.
  • 82% of respondents who felt motivated last year did receive some form of reward or recognition.

Bill Alexander (pictured), chief executive officer at Red Letter Days for Business, said: “There’s always going to be a small percentage of each age group that does not receive a reward from their employer due to various reasons, such as staff members not performing.

“However, as soon as this percentage reaches above 30% alarm bells start ringing. The statistics show it’s more likely the employer is not recognising [its] workforce for a job well done, rather than the employee is not doing good job.

“Organisations nurturing and investing in young talent should be even more vigilant at recognising staff to retain them within the business. If a business isn’t making these employees feel valued, they’ll likely take their talent to a competitor which has a programme in place to show [its] appreciation.”