queen elizabeth ii

Credit: McCarthy's PhotoWorks / Shutterstock.com

Last week, all of us at Employee Benefits were saddened to learn of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

As the nation now prepares for her funeral on Monday, many organisations have been working to plan for the event and the additional unexpected bank holiday. While there is no statutory rule entitling employees to an extra day off, many employers have opted to close for the day in order to honour the occasion and enable their workforce to pay their respects.

Where closure is not an option and employees are expected to work, however, businesses may want to consider what support they have, or are able to put, in place. Organisations should ensure they approach the situation with sensitivity; the Queen was a truly remarkable individual, who touched many lives during her 70-year reign.

For some, the death of the monarch, public grief and the period of national mourning may also act as a trigger, based on personal losses. Reminding employees of the channels of support that are available to them, therefore, may also be beneficial.

This is an unprecedented event in many of our lifetimes, and individuals will no doubt have very different feelings and emotions in response. Flexibility and support during this period, therefore, are crucial.

We would like to extend our heartfelt condolences and sympathy to the Royal Family.

Debbie Lovewell-TuckEditor@DebbieLovewell