debbie lovewell tuck

Today (Friday 16 October) marks the final day of the inaugural Employee Benefits Reset online series. Over the past two weeks, this has featured sessions from leading HR and reward professionals discussing how the current landscape has prompted them to reset and reshape their organisation’s approach to people strategy.

One thing that has become clear over the course of the series is just how much employers have invested in supporting their employees during the Covid-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic, as well as how this is likely to continue into, and shape, post-pandemic strategies. 2020 has certainly been a challenge for us all, reshaping nearly all aspects of life as we knew it. If anything positive is to come of it, it will be recognition of some of the factors that have improved life in some respects for some individuals and carrying these forward. For example, greater flexibility in working arrangements may mean some working parents are able to spend more time with their families, or participate in family meal times.

While we fully acknowledge the difficult position some organisations currently find themselves in, particularly as some parts of the UK incur stronger lockdown restrictions, it has been inspiring to discuss the initiatives employers that have been able to do so have put in place for their employees.

Obviously, I’m biased so regard all sessions in the series as unmissable, however, some of the highlights included:

If you missed any of the sessions in the series, these will all be available on demand from 19 October.

Debbie Lovewell-TuckEditorTweet: @DebbieLovewell